The god Inari's secret

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Naruto huffed in his chair, this paperwork was going to be the death of him, why? He didn't use shadow clones this time.

It was getting close to sundown and Itachi was watching the kids while he and Shikamaru were in the tower working. Being a Kage often brought fun and boring adventures but the fun kind of adventures that happen in this office often end up with him and Shikamaru. Speaking of which now that he was down memory lane He remembered this morning his body was beginning to heat up unexpectedly, he needed to go to Kurama to figure out what was going on.

Closing his eyes he was in his sewer mindscape where his fox companion was "Oi, Kurama. Why's my body getting hot?" He asked waking up Kurama who huffed "It's heat" Naruto titled his head in confusion and Kurama realized that he never told Naruto about the Uzumaki secret involving their god "Listen, usually it's Uzumaki males that this gets handed down too so I'm gonna explain since you apparently don't know about this" Kurama said "What does this have to do with me feeling hot and horny?" Naruto asked with crossed arms "Literally all of it, dumbass" Kurama growled.

"So, your God, Inari, was a kitsune god. Meaning that he had the ability of foxes and appearance of a fox, now, as per that ability or have Uzumaki males born into the clan the ability to go into heat should they get that gene. You have that gene for two reasons, one he's your ancestor in a way and because of me, I'm the nine tails yet I'm experiencing the same thing as you and there's only one way to get out of heat until next time" Naruto wondered which of the only way to get done with heat "Which is?" Kurama grinned "Sex" Naruto's cheeks turned deep red and he stuttered, Shikamaru was gonna break his back in.

Kurama laughed and it boomed, he was so very amused with his Jinchuriki's face that he couldn't hold it in anymore and just laughed. "Shut up! He's gonna break my back in! I need to walk!" Naruto whined with blush "Not my fault, I like the Nara but he's your boyfriend so, blah" Kurama blew a raspberry that blew into Naruto's face "Stupid fox!" He laughed again with no shame as Naruto, still blushing, was gone from the sewer.

Shikamaru glanced over at Naruto and seen the males cheeks red like he was blushing "Now what's got you blushing?" He asked dozing off in his chair "Just something Kurama said" Naruto muttered with flustered cheeks, Shikamaru was horny and he wanted Naruto so he patted his lap and called Naruto's name "Naruto" Naruto looked at Shikamaru who was patting his lap.

"Come sit down" it wasn't a request, it was a bloody order.

(A/N: anyone remember this line from somewhere? 😏)

Gulping, Naruto walked over from his seat and sat on Shikamaru's lap "Why did you want me to sit on your lap?" Naruto asked blushing, Shikamaru's arms wrapped around Naruto's waist that ended up pushing him down a little to where something poked Naruto from behind. Naruto knew exactly what was poking him and blushed hard. Shikamaru smirked the horny male he was shown in his eyes "Y-your horny!?" Naruto squeaked "I am. I'm horny for the troublesome blonde on my lap" Kurama could be heard laughing at Naruto in his mindscape and man was that fox enjoying this.

Let's just say that desk got some horny males semen all over it with papers scattered all over the floor. Naruto couldn't walk for three days after that :)

A/N: don't kill me for not enough smut in this chapter but I felt lazy and decided to just give the after affects of their little fun *coughs* HUGE fun, stay tuned for the remaining Chapters and don't kill me please!!!!!

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A/N: don't kill me for not enough smut in this chapter but I felt lazy and decided to just give the after affects of their little fun *coughs* HUGE fun, stay tuned for the remaining Chapters and don't kill me please!!!!!


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