Nejikiba ships?

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Kiba yawned as he sat up with a stretch he was happy for Naruto but also surprised at the same time. Why? His male friend is pregnant and his about to become an actual Mother despite being a boy. Oh well, you learn something new everyday.

With another yawn he pulled off the covers and went to get off the bed but felt something around his waist "Huh?" He looked down to see arms around his bare torso "What the- who's are these...." One look behind him made his face flush into a deep red as he lost all words he was gonna say. Neji was fast asleep right behind him with his arms wrapped around Kiba's waist without a care in the world it seems.

When did this happen?!

Kiba was in a gay panic and almost afraid to move or he'd wake the Hyūga sleeping soundly behind him.

"Crap what do I do! He's holding my waist why!!! Don't move Kiba, don't. Move!" He warned himself internally but then nature decided to call at the worst moment, Kiba groaned quietly and carefully unlatched Neji's arms from around his waist and tip toed to the bathroom and shut the door with a sigh of relief as Neji didn't wake up his face however was still flushed with blush.

Since when did he and Neji share a bed? He wondered using the bathroom and washing his hands before walking back out of the bathroom into his room, he wondered if he should just get back into his bed where Neji was and he was directly at the side of the bed looking at the still sleeping Hyūga. He shook his head "Stop looking at him Kiba! That's creepy!" He scolded himself unaware Neji was awake but the male kept his eyes closed and made no movements until--

Kiba suddenly yelped when hands shot around his waist and he collapsed onto the bed against a bare chest as his cheeks heated up rather quickly. "N-neji?" He squeaked when he felt warm breath against the back of his neck "Go back to sleep" Neji said keeping Kiba firmly against his chest "since when were you up?" He asked Neji "Since you decided to get up" Kiba could have sworn that Neji was still asleep, was he awake the entire time!?

"But we have to get up, I want to see Naruto" Kiba said "And you can see him later go back to sleep" the male muttered breathing against Kiba's neck that Kiba had chills go up and down his spine, is it bad he wanted to feel more of that? His crush currently was keeping him against his chest that in retrospect BARE and they were in the same bed like when did this happen???

Kiba honestly didn't know but still Neji's arms felt nice around him not that he would admit out loud in fear of rejection from the Hyūga which now he was starting to doubt that Neji did like him just wouldn't come forward with it but- Kiba wouldn't know much about relationships only crushes. He reminded himself mentally to ask Naruto what relationships are like since he and Shikamaru were getting close to 4 years and three children as far as he knew and was aware of. Glancing back at Kiba and Akamaru who was at the end of the bed on his back with his tongue out asleep still and Kiba wanted to know how that mutt didn't waver a bit when he was dragged down back at NEJI'S CHEST.

He puffed his cheeks and Neji was amused just watching the funniest expressions on Kiba's face turn every few minutes. Kiba eventually drifted back off to sleep and Neji followed soon after, he'd ask Kiba to be his boyfriend eventually now he rather just have the male in his arms.


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