Tsunade and Jiraiya retire to Uzushio

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Konoha had been having problems persisting for the last few years since Naruto, Shikamaru, Kiba and Neji vanished from the village and the council is insistent that Naruto kidnapped them and possibly killed them but little do they know that those four are in Harmony in Uzushio without being used and treated equally especially when news spread that a child looking like Shikamaru started to spread across the lands like wild fire needles to say Tsunade looked like she was about to murder a certain Nara because of this.

Naruto bumped the child on his hip while running some errands like grocery shopping and doing his natural check-up on his villagers. He's since got over the embarrassment of friends calling him Uzukage though there are times when it annoys the shit out of him but he's gotten over it much to some of their dismay (All of them are sad he's gotten used to it but they started it and now live with the consequences) said child on his hip looked ready for a nap before falling asleep within seconds and Naruto huffed "Just like his father, geez" He said in a smile while Shikamaru took over office today and was writing letters to certain people those included Teuchi and Ayame of Naruto's favorite ramen. He grabbed his groceries and started the treck home which was a Japanese style mansion nearby the tower for him the Uzukage. Opening the door with his foot he walked inside and put away the groceries with his son still asleep on his shoulder.

He heard the door open and heard the familiar huff of a tired groan "Shika" Naruto greeted him as Shikamaru wrapped his arms around Naruto's waist "He fell asleep?" He asked "He's your kid who looks extremely like you what did you expect?" he chuckled, their son, Shikadai, looked exactly like Shikamaru but had Naruto's eyes and he was the youngest of their kids. Amelia and Akira were on a mission out of the village so it was just Shikamaru, Naruto and Shikadai in the Uzumaki-Nara household. "Did you send the letters?" Naruto asked "Yeah, i even got one while i was writing them" Shikamaru dug through his pouch and pulled out a wrapped letter with Konohas emblem "Eh? weird. Let me see it" Shikamaru took Shikadai from Naruto and went to put him to bed while Naruto read the letter to make sure there was nothing threating towards his family or village but instead it was addressed to him and Shikamaru, he read through it's contents when Shikamaru walked back into the room to see Naruto beaming with his pure bright smile spread from ear to ear on his face. "What is it?" he asked walking over "Granny Tsunade and Pervy sage are coming to live here!" he cheered in a laugh "Oh boy" Shikamaru has the distinct impression Tsunade was going to murder him for making her an actual grandma (Shikadai) by getting Naruto pregnant. Naruto was extremely happy because he was going to see his granny again and began to set accommodations for them and a place to live while letting some know who was coming.

A toad appeared on the kitchen table "Ay. Pip squeak, Master Jiraiya wanted me to let you know they'll be here tomorrow" Naruto irked at the toad "I'm not a pip squeak and i'll kick pervy sage's ass when he gets here" the toad rolled his eyes in amusement before saluting and poofing away "Calm down you troublesome blonde and come take a nap with me" he dragged Naruto to the couch and pulling him down with him onto the cushions "But i have to prepare for granny's arrival tomorrow" he whined "you will have plenty of time to do that but i want my troublesome blonde next to me " Shikamaru said as Naruto rolled his eyes in a pout but they took the nap on the couch anyway.

Jiraiya and Tsunade were at the front gates the next morning and Naruto did as he said to the toad actually kicked Jiraiya in the ass, "Oi, you brat!" He yelled at Naruto who only smiled with a mischievous glint in his eyes "Gaki! where's my hug?" Tsunade yelled as Naruto jumped at her in a hug "I missed you granny!" he smiled as Tsunade laughed "Hey where's mine other than an ass kick!" Jiraiya yelled in a deadpan "You don't get a hug just an ass kick" Naruto grinned "You little brat!" Naruto bolted behind Shikamaru who's shadows were below his feet "I don't think that's wise Jiraiya-san" He said "I still need to have some words with you Nara" He shrugged at Tsunade but didn't flinch at her either "Naruto, when was Lady Tsunade and Master Jiraiya coming?" Neji asked with Kiba not far from him coming to greet their Kage and advisor "There living here! early retirement!" He smiled "That's just what we told the old fogeys to get out of there, however we have a problem" Jiraiya looked at Tsunade as she said that, the four friends (couples) went into stares that showed that it was bad "Danzo has taken up Hokage because no one else was available to do so before him" Shikamaru's shadows spiraled out threateningly  while Kiba and Neji were aiming for their Kunais "That old man thinks he can cause Naruto so much harm and now try and cause a war because he finally reached Hokage? Not on his life will he live long enough" He said darkly.

"Oi, no causing any assassinations just yet. We need to give him time to adjust in order for the power to go to his head and he fails miserably, he thinks that because he has power that he won't get attacked but he has no idea of how many people want him dead" Naruto said "He has a point, many are after his head but because he was in Konoha none ever got to him" she said "Then we plan, we counter and block him in" Neji stated "It's not that simple. He's got the disbanded ROOT under his command as well as has records of taking orphans that are out alone on the streets" Shikamaru said and Tsunade nodded "We're not done yet boys but in the meantime let's just celebrate that i'm here" She smirked as Naruto cheered with his smile.

Life is great at Uzushio.

A/N: Sorry for late updates and thanks to my readers who've gotten one of my Drarry books to almost 1K reads! now we have 2 more chapters after this so stay tuned and keep waiting for updates on some of my other books! Love you kits!


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