Pay-Back at Konoha | Final

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A/N: final chapter everybody, final chapter. This book has come so far and y'all have stuck with me since y'all began to read this and have made my heart happy ❤️. Now I'm not sure how long I want this might be short, might be not. Dk yet, but anyway, thank you to everyone who's read this till now and thank you so very much for making me reach so many goals that I never thought I would accomplish on this app.

Thank you.

Hope you enjoy final chapter of: Pay-Back | Shikanaru Banished!

Let us begin!


Uzushio came out as the top Village with the others, Konoha may not show it but their ranks have fallen to the low corrupted shinobi and tainted Council that still stood at it's place. With Danzo gone the village is just being left to rot with corruption left behind and only 4 members of the remaining Konoha 12 left, the Village will only survive for so long until it collapses on itself and or has been eradicated by the other Villages.

Sasuke Uchiha hasn't changed, With corruption of the council and disownment he received from Itachi, He'll possibly never change for the better with the planted seed from the days he no longer had a clan to return to. 

Sakura Haruno is still the same. A Fangirl who doesn't try and just wants Sasuke to protect her and love her and butts head with Ino repeatedly for Sasuke's attention and love. Ino Yamanaka and the rest of her clan are still overshadowed by corruption and now to the Naras and Akimichis  the Ino-Shika-Cho squad will never show again unless the Yamanakas change and see past the corruption instead of diving head first into it. With Two powerful clans gone and Hinata the head of the Hyūga and Hanabi having left the clan and Joined Uzushio the Hyūgas and Inuzuka clans are just the same as the Yamanakas. Tainted and Corrupted.

With many other clans and others who loved Naruto no longer have citizenship within Konoha but in Uzushio. His favorite Ramen shop closed it's doors in Konoha and moved villages and live a happy life with their current Kage, Naruto Uzukaze-Nara. 

Naruto waved to his friends while doing his daily check, some came back from missions and others where just browsing the shops for it's contents. Shikadai, Akira and Amanda were grown and heading out on missions of their own and man did Naruto love his babies. Since killing Danzo he's felt himself always having a shit eating grin on his face whenever he remembers two years ago when he and Shikamaru got rid of the old man for good but also finding a horrible amount of Sharinngan on the guy really made the couple disgusted when it came to mind. The Uchiha clan (Sasuke is no longer apart of it since Itachi is still alive and is pretty much the head of the clan since he's the oldest) is rising once more with Itachi's created family he's built and Kakashi managed to find Obito and change him back to the boy he remembered now the pair were living together in Uzushio and adopted a few kids. 

Life in Uzushio is amazing for the citizens, shinobi and Kage and his family. 

Konoha had gotten it's karma in a Pay-Back for Banishing a sweet sunshine blonde haired Uzumaki. 


A/N: I can't believe it's finally finished!!! I hope you guys really enjoyed this and I know there are a shit ton of A/N's but it helped let you know I wasn't dead during the entire process of this book 😗~ Then again took me like- 7 months to finish but it's fine~ (Maybe-) now, stay tuned for future books and more Banished Naruto's (When ideas hit me mk ✨) Love you all and THANK YOU FOR BLOWING THIS UP BECAUSE MY BRAINCELLS ARE ALREADY GONE AFTER WE HIT 10K READS, THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

P.S: I uh- got rid of a chapter because my ass couldn't think of anything so this is the last chapter and that my dear kits completes Pay-Back! Again Thank you!!! Hope you enjoyed my Banished Naruto book: Pay-Back!


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