The New Guardian

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a pair of tongs slam a block of ice onto a stone work table. A chainsaw shears the block in half, spraying ice. North lifts up the chainsaw revealing a massive tattoo on his arm, the word naughty clearly visible. Three elves huddle in a doorway around a plate of cookies. Each licking their own tasty morsel. "Still waiting for cookies!" North called. As North crosses the background, the elves lower the cookies from their mouths, their faces frozen in fear.  The elves duck out of the way as North launches himself across the floor on his rolling chair close as his huge hand gropes furiously among his work tools, finally grabbing a miniature hammer. As North's humming along with his music, delicately chiseling into the ice, his intense blue eye magnified in a jeweler's eyepiece. A delicate sculpting tool cuts fine details into the ice. His hands place the finished piece on a curving ice track. It belches ice vapor and chugs down the track, picking up speed. "Yes!" North's hand grabs a cookie from a plate held up by the two elves.  One of the elves gives his cohort a look and points to the plate as it chews with a mouth full of food, to which it then unfurls its tongue and lets the half eaten morsels spill out onto the plate. "Ah, finally!" He takes a bite and leans toward the ice track. He chuckles as the train hits a loop, and launches off a ramp into midair, then wings unfold and jet engines sprout and ignite and the train lifts off the track. Suddenly, the door is thrown open by one of North's concerned yetis, sending the flying ice locomotive skidding across the  floor in pieces. "Arghbal.." "Ach!" North said. The yeti cries out covering his mouth in shame. North cries out, devastated.

 The yeti, equally emotional, lets out another whimper. North looks down at the broken toy and takes a moment to collect himself.  "How many times have I told you to knock?" North asked angrily. "Warga blarghgha!" The yeti shouted. "What...? The Globe?" North asked. North leaps up and draws a huge scimitar from its sheath and a sea of tiny bells on the heads of panicking elves part as North's huge boots stomp through. "Shoo with your pointy heads. Why are you always under boot?" He pushes his way past a couple of his yeti workers that are looking up in fear at the globe covered with lights blanketing the continents. But North notices that all at once, hundreds of lights suddenly go out. "What is this?" Now more lights, in greater numbers, as if something is snuffing them out by the thousands. North's concern grows. "Have you checked the axis? Is rotation balanced?" North asked. "Wardle bawddrel." The yeti replied. Before the Yeti can finish, a wind whips up from out of nowhere -- North stares in outrage as a blanket of swirling black sand, crawls over the lights, and shrouds the entire globe in inky darkness. The elves scurry in a panic, then all at once the black sand whooshes up off the Globe and rushes up through the ceiling as the remaining sand bursts into a puff of smoke and dissipates into the air. As the wind dies, the scattered pieces of debris settle to the ground, and the globes lights come back on, North whirls to see a huge shadow flash across the floors and curving walls of his fortress. It quickly disappears, leaving nothing but the distant echo of laughter. North is frozen, looking up into the darkness. "Can it be? Dingle!" A group of elves step forward gleefully pointing to themselves, as if they're all "Dingle". The excitement quickly turns to confusion. "Make preparations! We are going to have company." North reaches out for a large emergency lever, twists and presses it.

the globe pulses with energy, which lights up and zooms up the axis shaft toward the roof. From the tallest spire of North's fortress, northern light energy radiates outward. A little fairy, carrying a coin, flies above the head of a sleeping child. She quickly ducks under the pillow and comes  out the other side with a tooth in hand. Hundreds of fairies fly toward a hollowed out mountain, this is Tooth's palace and it's a majestic site. Dozens of tiny fairies flit about. Teeth are filed away in tiny wooden drawers. Coins are handed out. "Chicago, Sector 6 -- 37 molars, 22 bicuspids, 18 central incisors. Moscow, Sector 9 -- 22 incisors, 18 premolars: Uh oh, heavy rain advisory!" Tooth was ordering her fairies. "Des Moines, we've got a cuspid at 23 Maple. Head out!" A hive of activity, and at the center a winged figure barks out orders like a harried air-traffic controller. This is Tooth. A Mini Tooth Fairy flies up to Tooth as thousands of tiny mini tooth fairies continue their work behind them. "Wait!" And suddenly everything stops. Tooth whips around. She's holding up a little tooth, and gazing at it with dreamy adoration. The surrounding fairies tweet with excitement. "It's her first tooth. Have you ever seen a more adorable lateral incisor in all of your life?! Look how she flossed!" Tooth said. The fairies' tweets turn to concern, turning Tooth's attention to North's aurora signal stretching across the sky. She gasps, and flies off like a rocket toward the source of the signal, accompanied by a few of her ranking fairies. "My fellow Guardians - It is our job to watch over the children of the world, and keep them safe - to bring wonder, hope and dreams. And so, I've called us all here for one reason, and one reason only. The children are in danger." A child is sleeping peacefully with a stream of swirling overhead. It's a dream and it's taken the shape of a child playing soccer.

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