The Final Showdown

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We're in the midst of a somber ceremony, marking the passing of Sandy. Burning candles line the perimeter of Sandy's stone emblem. Tooth sets down a candle and stands shoulder to shoulder with Jack, North and Bunny. The four hold hands in solace. The ringing of somber bells can be heard echoing, the elves and a yeti ringing the elf bells as part of a ceremonial dirge. (Y/n), facing a window, frosts over the glass with her finger to form a symbol of Sandy. Jack slowly walks up behind her. "Are you alright?" (Y/n) remains still, her eyes fixed on the image of Sandy. "I just, I wish I could've done something." She said. "Done something? (Y/n), you stood up to Pitch. You saved us." Jack said. "But Sandy-" she began. Jack put a hand on one of her shoulders. "Would be proud of what you did." 

He smiled at her. (Y/n) pulls back her (F/c) hoodie and stands up. "I don't know who you were in your past life, but in this life you are a Guardian." Jack said. "But how can I know who I am, until I find out who I was?" She asked. "You will. I feel it." He smiled at her and she smiled back. Jack and (Y/n) approach the globe which is losing lights quickly. "Look how fast they're going out." Tooth said. "It's fear." (Y/n) said, then used her wind powers to fly above the globe. "He's tipped the balance." She flies closer the globe. She looks at the lights going out, then back to the Guardians. "Hey, buck up ya sad-sacks. Come on! We can still turn this around!" Bunny said, twirling his boomerang. "Easter is tomorrow and I need your help. I say we pull out all the stops and we get those little lights flickering again!" Bunny said. A massive wooden door swings open; 

North leads (Y/n) and the Guardians through the doorway, into an elevator, and through his factory. "Bunny is right. As much as it pains me to say old friend, this time Easter is more important than Christmas!" North said. Bunny's eyes widened. "Hey! Did everyone hear that?!" He asked. (Y/n) smiled and nodded at him. "We must hurry to the Warren. Everyone, to the sleigh!" North said. "Ohh no, mate. My warren my rules. Buckle up." Bunny taps his foot and a rabbit hole opens up. "Shostakovich!" North said. Everyone falls through Bunny's tunnels. (Y/n), Jack, Bunny and Tooth arrive gracefully in the warren, while North and the yetis come crashing. "Buckle up." Is very funny." North chuckles. 

"Welcome to the warren." Bunny stands before them when suddenly, he turns his attention. His ears perk up and his nose sniffs the air. "Something's up." A faint scream comes from one of Bunny's tunnels. Tiny eggs come running out. Bunny grabs his boomerang, North draws his sword, Jack holds out his staff, and (Y/n) activates fire on both hands as the sounds of footsteps and screams, grows louder. Bunny begins to charge toward the tunnel. At his side are the Guardians, yetis, and sentinel eggs all screaming battle cries until Sophie comes out. They all immediately stop. "Sophie?" (Y/n) asked. Everyone quickly holds back their weapons. Sophie giggles and immediately runs after an elf. " Elf, elf, elf!" "What is SHE doing HERE!!?" Bunny asked frantically. North looks down at his coat pocket. "Ah, snow globe." He said. "Crikey! Somebody do something!" Bunny panicked. "Don't look at me, I'm invisible. Remember?" (Y/n) asked. Sophie giggles as she drags the elf by the bell atop its uniform.

"Don't worry, Bunny. I bet she's a fairy fan." Tooth flies up to Sophie. "It's okay little one." Tooth said to Sophie. "Pretty!" She said in awe. "Awww! You know what, I got something for you. Here it is." Tooth pulls something out. "Look at all the pretty teeth with little blood and gum on them." Tooth said. "3." (Y/n) said. "2." Jack said. "1." (Y/n) said, just then Sophie runs away screaming. "Blood and gums? When was the last time you guys actually hung out with kids?" (Y/n) asked. Meanwhile, Sophie is running around the warren, exploring and playing. Sophie pokes her head into a small tunnel. "Peek-a-boo." "We are very busy bringing joy to children! We don't have time... for children." North said. (Y/n) walks toward her, forming a snowflake, which floats over toward Sophie. She tries to grab at it. "If one little kid can ruin Easter, then...we're in worse shape than I thought." Sophie follows the snowflake as (Y/n) flies it over to Bunny. "Weeee! Weee, weee, weee!" Sophie said. The snowflake lands on Bunny's nose and his concerns seem to fade away. A flower, opens to reveal an egg. 

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