Tooth Fairy Duty

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"Quickly! Quickly!" North booms up out of a chimney, dashing along the rooftops. "Here we go, here we go..." Bunny said. Jack zips forward, calling out to (Y/n). "Hey, (Y/n)!" He called. The girl turned to look at him. "I bet you can't collect more teeth than me!" He shouted. "Is that a challenge, Frosty?" She asked, smirking. A playful smirk appeared on his face. "Maybe. If you want it to be." He said. "I don't think you want a race a winter spirit though." North bursts up out of a nearby chimney. "A race? Is it a race??" North jumps into one chimney, then shoots out of another across the way. "This is going to be..." North disappears down yet another chimney only to come out with a bang out the top of another. "EPIC!!" Tooth flies over, in hummingbird overdrive, dazzled by everything. Baby Tooth flies after her. "Four bicuspids over there! An incisor two blocks east! Is that a molar? They're EVERYWHERE!" Tooth, overwhelmed, flies off without paying attention and crashes into a toothpaste billboard. "Ow!" "Are you okay? (Y/n) asked from the top with concern. "Fine... sorry, it's been a really long time since I've been out in the field." Tooth said. "How long is a long time?" (Y/n) asked. "Ah, four hundred forty years... give or take." Tooth gasps and her eyes go wide, she flies to the window. (Y/n) looks to Baby Tooth who shrugs. (Y/n) arrives outside an open window. Her smile fades when she sees Jack by the end of the bed, smirking and holding up a tooth. (Y/n) zaps him with her ice powers causing him to yelp in surprise. The Guardians fly over a Middle Eastern city in North's sleigh. North takes out two teeth, one with each hand. "Yipa!!" 

Bunny pulls out his hand from under a pillow revealing several teeth. He then sees hockey trophies, posters and paraphernalia everywhere. Bunny grins. "Looks like you're a bit of a brumby, hey mate." Bunny said. North stands at the side of a boy's bed. "Is piece of pie!" He falls into a rabbit hole, finding himself face to face with Bunny. Sandman enters and takes the boy's tooth. "That's my tooth! Sandy! Sandy!" North shouted. (Y/n) parkours between two buildings and into a window. She flies in through the window when suddenly, a rabbit hole comes out from the ground. As (Y/n) falls down, Bunny comes out the hole laughing. Tooth reaches under a pillow and pulls out a Tooth with a mouse attached to the other end. Baby Tooth tackles the mouse. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Take it easy there, champ! He's one of us! Part of the European division. Ca va?" She asked the mouse. The mouse gestures back angrily. North and the Guardians, riding North's sleigh, exit a portal. North laughs as they fly over the city. Bunny pulls a note from under a pillow instead of a tooth. "Huh?" The note shows an arrow, pointing toward the window. He looks up to the window: North holds up a tooth as he grins, then leaps off the ledge laughing. Bunny lands on a rooftop, holding a tooth in his paw, and proud of himself. Then, Bunny hears the sound of ice. "Crikey!" Bunny is now sliding down the side of a roof on a sheet of ice. Jack grabs the tooth from Bunny's paw as he slides past and holds it high in the air. "Yes!" Jack holds up the tooth, but within moments a hand snatches it. Jack looks to see (Y/n). "I'll take that!" She said. "Hey!" Jack shouted angrily. "Finders, keepers, Frosty." She mocked. Jack narrowed his eyes. North dances across a rooftop and quickly drops into a chimney to enter a house only for Bunny to light the fireplace. Bunny grins demonically in the firelight. "Haha! Ho, ho, ho!" A large burst of fire shoots out the top of a distant chimney. " Ahh!"

(Y/n), Jack, North, Sandy, and Bunny stand proudly. Each showing their own bag. "Wow! You guys collect teeth and leave gifts as fast as my fairies." Tooth said. Their eyes widen and and so does Tooth's. "You guys have been leaving gifts, right?" She asked. The rest of the group turn to each other. The Guardians stand in line, waiting their turn to put dollar bills into a coin dispenser. Baby Tooth puts a coin under a pillow. Then Jack, then (Y/n). North's hand pulls a Tooth from under a pillow. He replaces it with a pair of candy canes and a few coins. Bunny stomps his feet and falls through a rabbit hole to reveal a pair of Easter Eggs atop a child's bed. Sandy walks through a doggy door with a coin in his hand. In shock, he sees North laughing while arranging Christmas decorations in the child's bedroom. Sandy angrily throws his coin behind him. A young boy, holding a stuffed animal and a sippy cup to his mouth, looks out his bedroom window. The Guardians, cast in moonlight, bound across the adjacent rooftops. The young boy, dumbfounded, drops his cup. The Guardians fly across the night sky only to disappear through a portal. Nearby, a Nightmare watches as the sleigh disappears. It leaps off the roof, through a drain, and into the sewers. The spy runs down into a dark cavernous space. Large cages hang all around and trapped inside are the mini fairies. The Nightmare goes to Pitch, standing at his own globe, covered in lights. "The lights... why aren't they going out?" He asked. The Nightmare comes from behind and gave a soft whiney; Pitch stiffens at the news. "They're collecting the teeth?" He asked. The fairies perk up, and start twittering excitedly. "Oh pipe down, or I'll stuff pillow with you!" He shouted. Pitch looks at the Nightmare, frustrated, and scowls. The Nightmare winces and disappears. Some nightmare sand from the Nightmare twirls in the air, and Pitch twists it with his fingers, turning it into a crude image of the Sandman. "Fine, have your last hurrah. For tomorrow, all you pathetic scrambling will be for nothing." He crushes the image. A cool looking robot toy rests on Jamie's bedside table. Jamie is sound asleep in bed. "Left central incisor, knocked out in a freak sledding accident. I wonder how that could have happened, Jack?" Tooth asked the winter spirit. "It wasn't me." Jack shook his head. Then turned to smirk at (Y/n) as Tooth looked at her. She chuckled nervously. "I uh... I might've done that to him by accident. Sorry..." she said in embarrassment. Jack just chuckled as Tooth shook her head. Tooth reaches under the pillow. 

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