Meeting The Guardians

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Jamie plays with a toy robot as drawings and charts of mystery creatures hang on the wall behind him: ufo's, aliens, Bigfoot, you name it. There's even a drawing of Jamie flying in midair on his sled. "I did this jump and it was amazing and I slide under a car and it was awesome! Then I was flying down this hill and I was like whoosh, whoosh, whoosh through all these cars, and then the sled hit this, this thing, and I was like way up in the air." He mimes flying in the air with his robot, then crashing to the bed as Sophie and their dog sit listening. "And then BAM! The sofa hit me, and, and see?" He opens his mouth. "My tooth came out!" He said. Sophie giggles and points at it. "Alright you, tooth under your pillow?" His mom asked. Jamie sets the toy robot on his nightstand, then grabs a stuffed rabbit next to his pillow to reveal a camera and flashlight. "Yeah. I'm ready." He said. "Now don't stay up trying to see her, Jamie, or she won't come." His mom said. "But I can do it this time! You wanna help me, Soph? We can hide and see the Tooth Fairy!" Jamie said. "Hide, hide, hide, hide!" She said. Jamie's Mom picks Sophie up off the bed and lifts her over her shoulder. Their dog gets up and begins licking Jamie's face. "Uh uh, straight to bed now, mister." His mom said. "Mom..." (Y/n) is watching from outside the window. She flies onto the roof. She walks to the roof's peak and looks up at the moon. "If there's something I'm doing wrong, can you, can you just tell me what it is? Because I've tried everything, and no one ever sees me. You put me here, the least you can do is tell me, tell me why." As usual, she gets no response. She sighs and walks onto a telephone pole, and walks across telephone wires. A stream of Dreamsand comes behind her, then another, which comes in front of her. (Y/n) turns and looks up, smiling.

"Right on time, Sandman." The Dreamsand comes down from the sky, and goes into windows around own. (Y/n) runs on the telephone wire until she can reach out and touch one of the streams. A stream turns into a dolphin and comes toward (Y/n), before flying to a child. Dreamsand flies into a window, where Cupcake is in bed, hugging a stuffed unicorn. The Dreamsand swirls over her, and changes into a little girl riding a unicorn. The girl smiles in her sleep. Then the room darkens as a dark igure with a familiar laugh crawls out from under the bed, and rises up. It's Pitch. He notices Cupcake's dream. "Ohhhh, I thought I heard the clippity-clop of a unicorn. What an adorable dream!" He leans down to Cupcake. "And look. At. Her. Precious child. So sweet, so full of hope and wonder. Why, there's only one thing missing... a touch of fear." Pitch touches Cupcake's dream, it suddenly turns black and disappears. Cupcake flinches as Pitch snickers. "Hahaha! That never gets old!" Pitch swirls the Dreamsand around and it all turns into black Nightmare sand. "Feel your fear. Come on. Come on, that's right." The black sand changes into the shape of a black horse. "Yesss. What a pretty little Nightmare." He grabs the Nightmare's mane. "Now, I want you to go tell the others the wait is over." Then the black horse flies out the window, joining other Nightmares. Pitch steps out into the street from an alley. He looks up to the sky and looks at the moon. "Don't look at me like that, old friend. You must have known this day would come. My Nightmares are finally ready. Are your Guardians?" He asked. (Y/n) walks on a telephone wire as the Dreamsand disappears from the sky. Suddenly a shadowy figure and an unfamiliar noise zips behind her.

"Whoa!" She said in surprise. (Y/n) leaps over a house to a tree and looks around and something flies behind. (Y/n) jumps from the tree onto a truck in a nearby alley. The shadow went by, knocking over a trash can. (Y/n) jumps down from the truck and backs up out of the alleyway into a clearing. "Hello, mate." (Y/n) quickly turned around, ready to attack, until she realized who it was. "Been a long time. Flood of 68, I believe? Easter Sunday, wasn't it?" He asked. "Bunny? You're not still mad about that... are yah?" She asked innocently. "Yes." Bunny takes out his boomerang and looks at it. "But this is about something else. Fellas..." suddenly a giant hand grabbed her. "Hey! Put me down! What the..." the girl was then shoved into a bag. A yeti takes out a snow globe, and smashes it on the ground. A portal opens in front of them. The yetis move out of the way for Bunny. "Dwbard urghwetee." "Me? Bunny asked, then laughs. "Not on your nelly. See you back at the pole." Bunny taps his foot twice, and a rabbit hole suddenly appears. Bunny then jumps inside. The yetis throw (Y/n) in the portal as she screams. The yetis then enter. "Tangiers! Incivie du haut, 421 rue de Barat! Allez!" Tooth said. The sack flies out of the portal and lands on the floor. "She's here." North said. (Y/n) comes out of the sack and sees two elves. "Walla Walla, Washington. We've got a trampoline mishap at 1340 Ginger Lane." Tooth said. "Quiet." North said. (Y/n) looks up to see North and Sandman looking down at her. She then notices someone else, with Snow White hair and blue eyes, staring at her. She stares back, and they seem to be staring at each other for a long time. The Tooth Fairy is surrounded by a dozen hovering tiny fairies who come and go as she blurts out orders.

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