Chapter 1

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"And then, when it's time to go,
When I have to let go,
Make it quick,
And with no pain,
Just like how you go to sleep,
Right after a long day,
Don't make it hurt,
Because at least when I have to go,
I want it to be peaceful."


Salinas galaxy- Veran planetary system/Laocoon
Unknown factory, 11:45 pm

The beige aero car carefully landed near the back entrance of the old factory. Its lights were off to attract less attention to itself. The car hummed slowly and turned off, and a tall figure exited it. The man was masculine with razor-cut gray hair that reflected the moonlight making it look like his head was made of diamonds. He then quickly covered his hair with the hood of his long black jacket and entered the metal factory. It was quiet and the sound of his footsteps echoed through the empty halls. He was alone and he made damn sure no one followed him here, the place was deserted due to renovation of the office and the resting areas.

It was the perfect place to gather and report about the one thing no one in that galaxy dared to go after!
After going through numerous giant rooms filled with big complicated machines, he arrived at the main office on the second floor. The room wasn't as ruined as he imagined it to be and there was no concern of the place falling underneath them.

There inside the averagely big room, a man was waiting for him in the shadows created by the dim light shining through the window. He was sitting comfortably behind a wooden desk his entire body lost in the silhouette of the cabinets, dried pot of plant, and the darkness of the corner of that room.
"You're here right on time. Punctuality, I like that in a subordinate!"

The shadow slightly moved around and continued, "I assume everything went well?"

"Our little hawk is at the position, he's going to finish the job tonight."

The gray-haired man pulled something out of his pocket and tossed it on the table, "I will begin my move tomorrow after I get the 'ok' from him."
The man in the shadows picked the slim object and insert it into his laptop, the program started with a low beep and the amber light of the screen lighten up parts of his face. Dark purple eyes gave him a sharp look that pierced a hole down into his soul.

"There is no failure in what we're about to do. Project-A must succeed! Make sure to let that little hawk understand this with his bone and flesh!"

The gray haired-man gritted his teeth in frustration, his chocolate army boots turned to face the door, "I'll contact you once I land on the planet!"

He then left without any more words, he never liked receiving orders from anyone but this was a special case. Something he had to finish or else...
He was a professional in his work and one good thing about this mission was that time was on their side. They had all the time in the world to accomplish the mission.



Katze woke up to the loud noise of the alarm clock on his nightstand. It felt like he had to crawl out of a narrow hole inside a wall filled with poisonous gas and sharp claws trying to keep him inside the labyrinth of nightmares he was having last night.

He turned off the alarm with the touch of his finger and stared at the ceiling. Its teal color has faded throughout the time but still was in good shape. He didn't want to get up, not after the night he's had. Memories of the guardian combined with the events that he experienced every day at work were the worst kind of mix to have in your dreams. He felt more tired than he was yesterday before getting to bed.

Tormented Cypress / Ai No Kusabi fanfic 18+Where stories live. Discover now