Chapter 21

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"To you, I was never enough.
A passenger you once sat with on a cloudy day,
And just danced with, until your destination was in reach."



Guy approached the half-ruined gate without causing the slightest sound. Walking on that land while trying to be careful was not easy considering the infinite piles of broken glass, fallen ceilings, wrecked furniture, and rusted pipes had carpeted the ground. But that wasn't such a great deal for him. Guy was from Ceres, after all, and not a sissy civilian from the pretentious city of Midas. And nor was he an entitled self-spoiled bastard elite who had to have a red carpet thrown for him even if he was landing in the middle of the sky.

He was tough and had been through hell, and God knew how powerful his purpose was that the man was willing to cross the hellfire and battle with Satan himself to achieve what he wants.

Last night, one of Luke's friends gave him some interesting news that the man Guy was looking for is still on Amoi! Despite the massacre, his boss caused, the son of a bitch was still roaming around the planet. Luke gave him the info that Merrick was going to meet up with some higher-ups from another planet at a deserted airport located two miles from Ceres. The airport was destroyed and abandoned right after the human revolution to prevent them from escaping the planet. The AI couldn't make their lives any easier, can it?!

The meet-up was scheduled for 7 AM and Guy made sure to be there before that. Stepping down a fallen wall he landed silently next to a bunch of garbage. He was close to the meeting point.

Right then, he heard the faint sound of a grunt behind him. Guy equipped his hand with his trusty knife and with a stone-cold impression, he attacked the stalker.

"Ouch! Goddammit, man! What the fuck is wrong with you!?"

When he recognized the face in front of him, holding his bleeding nose, Guy growled and held his guard down.

Norris was standing on the unstable ground trying to stop the blood gushing out of his nose. Sid was just shaking his head in disappointment over the noises he was creating while Luke offered his dirty handkerchief to the young man that got rejected not so very kindly.

"Yeah, like I'm gonna shove that septic tank in my nose and die of some sort of infection!"

"Whatever, man. Just stay there and die of fucking blood loss then!"

"Lower your voice, both of you!" Guy threatened them. He looked at Sid for some rational explanation, "I thought I told you guys that I'm going alone!"

Sid shrugged and gave him a 'what were you expecting from these morons' look, "I tagged along so they don't get their asses or yours in trouble!"

"This is for Riki, so we're all goin' together." Norris replied with his head held up to stop the stream of blood.

"Yeah, once a Bison, always a Bison." Luke added, "So stop trying to be the big dick hero, and let's finish this damn thing!"

There was no logic within his buddy's head! Guy sighed deeply and gave up. There was no time left for him to stand and argue with them.

"Alright then, be careful, shut your mouth, and don't cause any trouble."

"Don't talk to us like we're a bunch of fresh meat outta guardian!" Luke spit on the floor and took a sassy pose, "You ain't no leader of us. So stop bossing around and let the grownups handle this shit!"

Tormented Cypress / Ai No Kusabi fanfic 18+Where stories live. Discover now