chapter 7

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"Here I stand, by the lonely lake,
The blossoms kept falling under the rain,
I leaned back onto the bridge's ledge,
And our eyes met for a few seconds.
The rush of rain washed the crimson out of the cypress,
All its true colors were now on display.
Right at that moment,
Trapped inside nowhere,
I knew by my heart that I will meet you again."



Axel kept whining, moving around back and forth to get to his handler. But they had to wait for a little more until the passengers were allowed past the security gate.

"They'll be out here soon, Axel. Just be patient a bit." Katze consoled the restless Collie and in return, he received a sigh.

Fortunately, the checkup didn't last long considering whom they were keeping in wait and the two entered the lobby right after. Riki was on his knees face all brighten up by seeing his buddy running at him. Axel barked loud and jumped into the open arms of his rescuer. None of them cared about the whispers and heads turning at them now and then. They were too busy basking in the joy of being reunited.

Axel licked all over Riki's now extra tanned face and the mongrel made sure to spoil the little creature with sweet words and pats on his head.

"I missed you so much, buddy!" Riki laughed at the bottom of his heart and kissed Collie's head.

Iason's nose slightly flinched at the scene but it was too vague to be noticed by any. Even though he missed the dog as well he still couldn't make peace with Riki openly showing passion for another live being.

He was then immediately attacked by Axel who ran around his leg and waged his tail for Iason. Letting Iason know that he missed the Blondie a lot as well. In fact, he might have missed the elite more than his handler! All those evenings spent in Iason's lap, sleeping while he gently spoke to him while caressing Axel's soft head. The dog even barked happily at Cal when he walked into the lobby holding a bunch of bags.

"You've grown so much, sweet Axel!" Cal said with a smile on his face. Relieved that the dog had been in safe hands all this time and wasn't mistreated.

"And even more energetic if that's a possible thing in their breed!" Iason looked down while Axel was having a battle with the tip of his white cape!

Katze stepped forward and bowed his head, "Welcome back master, hope you three had a pleasant time."

And the most certainly had! Just by looking at their mood and look, they all have become more alive. Well, except for Iason that looked the same but Katze could sense a slight change in him too. Not to mention the odd tan on his skin that turned him one degree darker than he looked. Did the android let his skin change of his own will?!


Cal looked more refreshed as well. Something he absolutely deserved and he seemed to have gained a couple of pounds too! Which was a good this in Katze's opinion, the boy was too skinny for his age. Now he had more flesh on his bones and a rush of pink color sat on both of his cheeks.

Riki, the main subject of this unexpected long trip was at his best. No longer were the dark circles nor the distant look found in his eyes and around them. He seemed to be more focused and less on alert now. That was good, it meant this vacation had a positive reaction.

'Maybe they should do it more often!'

"Thank you, Katze. This trip has definitely been a cherished memory to keep." Iason set a meaningful gaze at Riki and the boy turned into the color of an eggplant. Something must have happened! Something embarrassing.

Tormented Cypress / Ai No Kusabi fanfic 18+Where stories live. Discover now