Chapter Thirteen

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She was sitting in the passengers side of the car, looking over and seeing gorgeous blue eyes staring back at her. Her wife's eyes.

She wasn't sure where they were going, but Maya was smiling, making her grin as well.

Maya's happiness is her happiness.

Whether that's a good thing or not.

The rolled down windows allowed a cool, but nice, breeze to push the wisps of Carina's brown hair out of her face. The sun was shining, but nothing too bright that her sunglasses couldn't handle.

The roads don't look familiar and Carina can't tell where they are going, but quite frankly, she doesn't really care.

She has everything she needs right here. Her wife holding her hand by her side.

"I love you," Carina says over the somewhat loud music playing from the car radio.

Maya turns toward her direction with a small smile on her face, a light pink ghosting her cheeks. "I love you too. For the third time."

"What?" Carina asks puzzled, her eyebrow shooting up to reflect her confusion.

"You've said that two other times in less than five minutes," Maya chuckles and Carina shrugs. She can't remember that, but she'll take her word for it.

"Oh," Carina says. "But it's true. I love you more than you could ever know."

"That's not true," Maya remarks, her face going quite stoic and serious compared to her expression just a few seconds ago.

"What do you mean?" Carina asks, feeling like nothing is making sense. She hasn't been this confused in a while. Everything around her feels off.

The car windows magically roll up, replacing the cool breeze with rather hot air spreading throughout the vehicle. It makes Carina feel as though she will suffocate.

"It was my fault," Maya states emotionless. Carina's almost frightened at Maya's unreadable facade.

"Cosa?" Carina retorts. The air somehow becomes even thicker, making it harder to breathe and get good air all the way to her lungs.

"The accident," Maya replies, her voice reflecting absolutely no emotion, as her focus stays on the road in front of her.

Carina studies Maya's face trying to get some sort of answer as to what is happening. She's never been more confused in her life.

She follows Maya's gaze to the road, gasping at the sight of a particular large truck come straight at them at a lightning pace. Too fast to be intervened.

The truck smashes right into them, Carina's sight fading to black as she struggles to breathe.

She's not breathing.

She's dead.

"Carina?" She hears Maya say. How can that be? She's dead. A truck just hit them full force.

Maya's probably dead too.

"Carina?" The voice repeats, oxygen completely failing to reach Carina's lungs as she practically gasps for air.

"You're okay. You're safe," that voice soothes. It's frantic, but Carina can tell that they are trying to stay calm.

Maybe Maya is actually alive.

"Carina wake up," she hears. The voice grew weaker as the sentence continued. The edge of her blackness became fuzzy with a white hue, causing her to frown.

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