(S2-Ep7) Grudge Match (SA)

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We open this episode with the Rustbucket tipped over and Max and Gwen waking up from the crash as fighting can be heard in the background we then cut to said fighting to see Y/n as Gax being launched backwords alongside Ben as Diamondhead before we pan to see their attacker is non other then the Mutated Kevin 

 Mutated Kevin: You are one pair of sorry excuses for hero's 

Gax(Y/n): I mean yeah but one sorry excuse for a villain of the week 

Diamondhead(Ben): and You're also one to talk have you ever looked into a mirror 

Mutated Kevin: *gets angry* It's payback time for turning me into a freak, Tennyson 

Diamondhead(Ben): You were always a freak, Kevin, it's just now the ugly also on the outside      

Mutated Kevin: Dis me all you want, I'm still ten times better then either of you, I've got all of Tennyson's powers plus my own and eventually I'll have Braween's too

Gax(Y/n): Like you even know how to take 'em

Mutated Kevin: You may be right but who knows what will happen when I get my hands one you, I'm Kevin Eleven 

He then fires diamond head shards at the pair as Some are destroyed by Y/n's arm and Ben catch's one as the others break on impact to his Diamond skin

Diamondhead(Ben): Too bad, each one of those*crushes the Diamondhead shard* is a tenth as powerful as mine

Y/n and Ben then start to approach him before Kevin fires a blast of Stink fly's mucus at Ben causing Y/n to let out a chuckle at the sight

Diamondhead(Ben): Eww, Gwen's right this stuff is grose *Turns to Y/n* Don't tell her I said that

Gax(Y/n): I make no promises, Now let's take him down 

Ben nods before the pair turn to see Kevin coming right for them before picking them both up and throwing them into a wind turbine before looking down to see Y/n holding the blades of the turbine before he throws it at Kevin who quickly try's to doge only to get cloth's lined by the part as Ben get's up slightly injured Y/n gives him a glance 

Diamondhead(Ben): I'll handle this you, check on Max and Gwen

Gax(Y/n): Are you nut's you're injured 

Diamondhead(Ben): I'll be Fine, I've taken worse 

Y/n gives him a unsure look but nods none the less before making his way over to Max and Gwen only to turn back to see Ben and Kevin charging at each other untill they are frozen in place by a glowing red light before the pair of them vanish before Y/n's eyes 

Gax(Y/n): BEN!!!!!!

After we return We see Y/n still as Gax staring shocked at what just happened untill he hears 

Gwen: Ben? Y/n? 

Gwen and Max then spot Y/n before going over to him

Max: Y/n? Where's Ben? 

Gax(Y/n): A red light took him and Kevin

Gwen: Kevin? So that's what attacked us? 

Gax(Y/n): Yeah

Y/n then returns to human before pulling out his phone 

Gwen: What are you doing?

Y/n: Calling my dad

The phone keeps ringing for a few seconds before Y/n

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