The Explanation for the eyes

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Not the reason given by the writers but one I came up with to explain why Ben has Green, Y/n and Albedo have red, Gwen has pink and Ghost has Yellow. We'll also be using Alien's with the different images. I do think of the eye colour as ones Sole colour

Green: Seeker of Heroism

Ben's colour which I have deemed to call the seeker of heroism basically those who wish to be the most heroic they can be

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Ben's colour which I have deemed to call the seeker of heroism basically those who wish to be the most heroic they can be

Red: Seekers of Power

Y/n and Albedo's colour which I have deemed to call the Seeker's of Power not saying their power hungry but they do continue to wish for the power to become stronger wherever or whenever they can

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Y/n and Albedo's colour which I have deemed to call the Seeker's of Power not saying their power hungry but they do continue to wish for the power to become stronger wherever or whenever they can

Yellow: Seekers of Knowledge

The eyes of Ghost a true Seeker of Knowledge meaning there morals of tho's with these eyes may be on the flip flop in their such for knowledge

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The eyes of Ghost a true Seeker of Knowledge meaning there morals of tho's with these eyes may be on the flip flop in their such for knowledge

Pink: Potential for Magic

While originally just thought of as the Gwen variant for this I have deemed this colour as the eyes shown by all with great magical potential

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While originally just thought of as the Gwen variant for this I have deemed this colour as the eyes shown by all with great magical potential

A/n: The reason Y/n doesn't have Pink eyes instead of red is due to his wish for more power being more then his Potential for Magic

Blue: Seekers of wealth and fame

used by a Ben variant I have deemed to just call this Seekers of Wealth and Fame due to the the amount that Ben just wants Fame and Fortune

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used by a Ben variant I have deemed to just call this Seekers of Wealth and Fame due to the the amount that Ben just wants Fame and Fortune.

Purple: True Evil

Used by one when in control of Ben and others these eyes of true evil they only wish to cause pain and suffering to those around them and will use who ever to get what they want

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Used by one when in control of Ben and others these eyes of true evil they only wish to cause pain and suffering to those around them and will use who ever to get what they want

Orange: Seekers of Madness

The eyes of another of Ben's variants who only wished to watch the Multiverse burn

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The eyes of another of Ben's variants who only wished to watch the Multiverse burn.

A/n: I know no one really asked for this but I hope this helps with my thoughts with each character and helps with why each character has specific eyes going forth for when I publish Season 2 also if you lot want you can come up with your own expiations for the other colours I just can't remember any others

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