(S3-Finale Part 2) Be Afraid of the Dark (SA)

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Narraitor: Previously on Ultimatium 

We start with a visual from Benwolf where the purple lighting strike comes down behind Y/n and Ben who look to see The Wearwolf hidden in shadow and eyes glowing Purple 

Wes(Narration): The NASA tracking station was attacked by some sort of Wearwolf he took some satilate equipment 

We cut to the shot of the Wearwolf taking the reciver from the tower

Y/n(Narration): And it took the reciver you had here

We then cut to a shot from Under Wraps of Todd runing away form the sadowed image of the Mummy, We then cut to the team in the Digby Dairy building as they find the Corrodium 

Max: I'd say there's a big chunk of Corrodium buried right beneath the concrete   

We then cut to the mummy takeing the corrodium as Y/n tring to stop it untill 

 Fermiler Feminine Voice: NO Y/n Don't

We then cut to The Return where Flight Director is taking to Dr. Viktor on the catwalk to the Shuttle 

Flight Director: Dr. Viktor, I am your superior.

Dr. Viktor: You have no idea how wrong you are. 

The Flight Director was then grabbebed by the wraps of the mummy and dragged up toward him as the Wearewolf arrives 

Dr Viktor: Both of you take care of the Omnitrix users, go after the red one first, seprate him from the other if you can. I don't want to leave any of this to chance. We cannot fail.

We then cut to later on when Ben is attacked form behind by Dr. Viktor

Dr. Viktor: I was told of the Omnitrix... *Looks over to Y/n* And even it's copy *looks back to Ben* but you are not the only one's with the power to transform. Observe 

He then turns into his alien form sparkling with purple lighting as the Mummy and Wearwolf join him before we then cut to the Image of Y/n observing his surroundings seeing familer sights while Ben (As XLR8) glares at Viktor 

XLR8(Ben): I don't know what your plan is, but it's over, Franken-Freak. 

Viktor: Oh, it's not my plan. It's the Master and Mistress' plan. It always was. 

We then see the machine activate again revitlising Zs'Scare and Elizabeth 

Zs'scare: I LIVE!

XLR8(Ben): Ghost Freak!  

Y/n: Elizabeth....

Ben is timed out and reverted to normal 

Zs'Scare: You and I have a score to settle.... Ben Tennyson

Y/n: Elizabeth

Elizabeth: Hello Y/n 

We then fade to black going to 

We cut to inside with Ben and Y/n still staring at there revitilised transformations untill Ben launches off into a sprint  in the oppisite direction as Zs'Scare chases after him 

Y/n: How? 

Elizabeth: I already told you, Ectonurites exsit in the smalest parts of our DNA, Dr. Viktor here just helped me and Zs'Scare put ourselves backtogether from the smalest parts of ourselfs found in the places we died 

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