(S2-Ep2) Big Tick

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A/n: I started writing this not long after the last one then stopped, then started writing it again a few weeks later only to stop again and finish it now.  

We start this episode with some shots of nature at Yellowstone National Park before we land on Max, Gwen and Y/n looking around before Max takes a long breath

Max: Ahhhh, nothing beats finally being able to relax in the great out doors

Ben: darn it, darn it! I hate this stupid thing

Ben can then be seen approaching the three wearing a head set while messing with his watch 

Gwen: Or not.

Ben continues to mess with his watch before taking off his headset which can be seen plug into a portable Radio

Headphones: Astronomers at mount Hamilton caught a glimpse of a small meteor and it appears to be heading toward a part of the state

Ghost: Y/n, Are you listening to that?

Y/n(Mind): Keep it in mind for later

Y/n: Ben, what's wrong, watch issues?

Ben: Something like that, I figured I'd go XLR8 and hit that burger place back in Casper so I can pick up a double cheese burger with extra pickles but it looks like I'm stuck here.

Y/n: I asked you while we were passing that place if you wanted anything but you said no.

Ben: I wasn't hungry then I am now 

Gwen: And Yellowstone happens to be one of the coolest places around, just hang out and apricate it

Y/n: I mean this is Ben were talking about Gwen.

Gwen nods to Y/n before they hear Max

Max: Gwen's right-

Max then goes over and moves a log reviling some Grub worms

Max: -and we can live right off the land, Mmmmm Grub worms.

Max then picks one up and eats it making the kids get disgusted and Y/n transform's into Fasttrack

Fasttrack(Y/n): So.... the burger place in Casper you say, Ben?

Ben: Yeah, Remember double cheese Burger with extra pickles.

Fasttrack(Y/n): Got it, Gwen?

Gwen: I'll have my Burger will chilly

Fasttrack(Y/n): got it

He then looks to Max who looks slightly disappointed at the three  

Fasttrack(Y/n): Sorry Max, Not really in the mood to eat Live food that you found under a log in the middle of the woods

Max: *Sigh's* I understand....

Y/n nod's before rushing off just as Ben's watch sudden activates

Ben: Aww, Sweet maybe I can catch up with Y/n and help him out.

Ben activates his watch and transforms into

Ben activates his watch and transforms into

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