Chapter 9

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"Professor?" a small voice asked and I looked over, it was Katy,

"Hey! What's up?" I asked caping riptide- I had just been going over some drills,

"M-my friends, Eve, and John, their Hufflepuff's, well we were planning to meet up this morning before breakfast to go over some drills- but... they never showed- and when I asked one of their Hufflepuff roommates in class, Professor Amycus over heard me and laughed, saying that I shouldn't worry about any 'disappearances,' but I'm really worried about them- you helped me- please help them," My blood ran cold, but I managed a smile,

"Of course- why don't you head back to your house It's pretty close to curfew as it is," Katy nodded and after hesitating for a minute she ran off. I took in a breath and nodded to myself.

Okay. Step one- figure out where my students were.

Step two- punch the siblings

Step three- file an official complaint to Voldywarts.

I stepped out of my classroom and headed straight to the teacher lounge. Amycus and Alecto liked to hang out there and torment the other teachers.

I slipped in silently, carful to not let anyone else know I was there,

"-seen their faces," Amycus was laughing, "They were all scared! Man their such puffs,"

"How did you even manage to get them to jump in?" Alectro asked spinning her wand, "You know the dark lord will kill us if we start trouble with Percy,"

"Oh I just told the each of them that the other was already doing it- and just like typical puffs they fell for it easy-peasy,"

"And what's to keep them from just swimming to the surface?" Alecto 'reasoned' causing Amycus to snort,

"I'd like to see them swim with such heavy weights," Amycus challenged, "I added them to each of their feet before they dived in. Of course I made sure to make sure they had 24 hours of air left- I wanted to make sure that they had time to let the despair truly sink in,"

And that's all I needed to know. I vapor traveled out of there to the Black Lake. Immediately starting my search for the pair. They should be together somewhere...

'Percy!' a voice cried out and I looked up waving at the giant squid- no he did not apricate that title his name was Francine.

'Hey Francine- do you happen to know where two children are?'

'Oh yeah- I saw them playing 'drowning victim' over there- so I swam around them a couple times,' Francine admitted

'They're not playing Francine- the Thanatos eaters I was complaining about the other day sent them down here'

'What!' Francine exclaimed and I nodded,

'Take me to them?' I asked and he nodded,

'This way!'

Following Francine we got there quickly,

'Thank you, Francine,'

'of course, and hey throw them in here- I'll be sure to give them a scare,' he said and I gave him a tight smile,

'I wouldn't dare take away your fun,' I joked before turning towards the students.

They were waving at me frantically gesturing towards their feet- I nodded and thew up a bubble around us,

"You're alright now, I promise."

"P-professor! You're here!" Eve said and I smiled,

"Katy was very worried."

Step one: complete.

"Alright you two, come on let's get you to madam Pomphrey." I said, pulling the bubble in on us, and allowing the water to push us up to the surface.

After I made sure each one was comfortable in their beds with Poppy, I headed back to the teachers lounge.

Bursting in, I zeroed in on Amycus and Alecto, of couse I sensed, Minerva, but that wasn't the most pressing thing on my mind at the moment.

The siblings looked up at me briefly before rolling their eyes and turning back to eachother,

I swung. I got a solid right hook to Amycus before Alectro tried to stop me, but he got a elbow to the gut. I could feel my anger letting out my power- I gritted my teeth,

"What. Did. I say about. Hurting. MY. Students?" I hissed in a low tune. I was so done with these two.

"Woah- woah- woah- P-Percy! We didn't touch those brats!" Alectro said raising his arms.

I raised an eyebrow, crossing my arms and raising to my full height to look down on these two, "Then how come they couldn't swim up?" The siblings looked at each other, deer in the headlight looks on both of their faces, I scoffed, turning to go,

"Yeah- I'll be writing directly to Voldemort on this one- there's no going through Sevy," 


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