Chapter 10

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After I wrote to Voldywarts he quickly removed the siblings instating a Rodolphus Leastrange. Rodolphus was a quite man- sort of always watching, and I often felt his eyes on me, but it was better than the siblings, having the attention on me I could handle, but I did watch carefully to make sure he wasn't hurting the children in a way his predecessors wished. Man. Since when did I think like that? I was spending way too much time in England and with the proper society kids of Slytherin, who I might add rather proudly accepted my offer of protection, with their own stipulations of course,

"Now remember professor, we trust you but we have to be sure- if and when the time comes for you to protect this school you promise that the students that are under your direct protection come first,"

I squirmed in my seat- hating the idea of... well one another full out battle with child soilders but the idea of putting any of mty students above the others,

"I promise, to do as I've always promised- protect this school and my students, I can't promise to choose one above the other, because if it came down to it I'd give my life to protect both."

I grimaced, "I guess that's not the answer you were looking for-,"

A throat being cleared caused me to look up at the students, away from the contract that they had put in front of me,

"I believe,' Draco paused looking around, getting nods from his fellow sltherins, "That is acceptable,"

After that there year went smoothly there wasn't much to the year- Blaise was almost constantly in my office IMing someone from camp- I was still spending my weekends with Sevy up in his office and winter break came and went easily. I could feel the approaching battle getting closer but the year floated by.

The students were coming along swimmingly with their skills and frankly he couldn't be prouder. He had even progressed to teaching his older years how to deflect spells and other projectials with the flat of the blade. Hey-I Even had some excelling students that I've had to bump them up a few years! Of course the DA club had re-formed, buuut my stance from the first year had stayed the same- don't let me know about it,

I beamed over at Sevy who was once again at his desk as I was on my couch- yes. It was mine now seeing as I was on it more than the man himself,

"You excited for Exams?" I asked him, and he raised an eyebrow at me,

"No. Students complained about their grades and Professors complaining about students"

"Yeaaah-," I snorted looking back up at the ceiling- you know if I heard myself now when I was in high school I'd think I was mind controlled,"

Sevy smirked at the thought twirling his wand a bit, "That can be arranged you know,"

I rolled my eyes and folded my hands under my head, "Yeah, no thanks I like my mind intact,"

"Why are you excited about exams?" Sevy asked and I shrugged,

"They've come so far in such a stressful time- how can I not be excited- besides it's not like their exam is hard their just doing what they normally do in class,"

"Aren't the seventh year's fighting you?"


Yeah maybe it was too much to wish for- because fortunately or unfortunately three of my students would be returning to Hogwarts all too soon.

Okay I KNOW this one's short but I promise that the next few will be worth it!

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