Chapter 12

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"Well, well Professor,-"

"Can't say we're surprised to see you here,"

"Not surprised at all,"

I smiled as I heard their voices- not opening my eyes just yet,

"Fred, George- happy to hear you, how'd you get in?" I asked and feeling them sit down I looked over at the pair of them.

"Professor Snape opened his floo way, even Percy's-,"

"-Our Percy that is,"

"-has come!"

"That's fantastic boys," I said smiling at them- all of a sudden, I felt awfully tired. I grinned over at them,

"Trying to protect me boys?" I asked and they glanced at each other,

"Never could pull one over on you professor," George said and I laughed,

"I knew a pair of brothers myself- they were pranksters too- a bit rougher than the pair of you,"

"We'd love to meet them," Fred said gently and I groaned shaking my head to clear some of the fog,

"There are giant spiders on the west side of the castle, why don't you two take Percy, and give them a good run for their money, take some more of your friends, Jordan and Lee I think- swords are better than wands in this case," The twins looked at each other and I laughed,

"I'm not going to stop Harry when he comes through here just simply offer some advice," I said and they grinned nodding, taking my advice and drawing their swords they clinked them together and were off.

It wouldn't be long now before Harry shows up.


"If you were not here- Voldemort would've have already taken control of this castle- If it wasn't for you, the war would've already started." Harry admitted and I looked up at him,

"I've not stopped anything- just stalled," I said, "War, battles, fighting, surviving. Sometimes I just get so tired of it all."

"How much have you seen Professor? At times- you seem older than Dumbledore,"

"Far too much, far too young, so have you though Harry- it's okay to be selfish," I said and Harry nodded and despite waiting for him there were no words that would make this better. Instead, I reached into my pocket- but instead of riptide I drew out a drachma.

"Before he kills you, put this in your mouth and if you tell them that you are under Percy Jackson's protection, also transfiguring some Italian suits wouldn't hurt."

"Thank you, Professor,"

"Too many people die to young Harry, if you don't die that comes back to me- you hear- don't even think about giving it to another,"

"Yes, sir," he said and I grinned,

"Go on then, time to face your fate- may the judge you favorably," I said and he nodded and he was off.

Then slowly- as they realized where Harry had gone the people in the castle started to gather. I looked over my shoulder at them and slowly stood,

"Let's move this to the courtyard- less bottlenecky," I said leading the mob outside, where they spread out in a wide U shape- Sevy found his way to my side, and I smiled my best smile for him,

"Figured out a way to survive this war?" I asked and he grunted,

"What better way than to stand beside the greatest swordsman in history?" he asked and my grinned turned dark as the ground beneath us started to shake. The grand doors slamming shut, ice form upon them. A cavern appeared as the stairs crumbled down. It would be harder to reach the doors now.

"Percy, will you fight with us?" Minerva asked coming to the other side,

"I will fight to protect this castle, the rest will be up to you," I said and she nodded,

"Very well,"

I offered her a grin, before turning back to the approaching Death Eaters,

"So that's were Hagrid's been,"

~Harry POV~

"Payment" a harsh voice asked, and I looked up, spiting out the coin Professor Jackson had given me and handing it to the man after wiping it on my robes, he looks up surprised,

"Well that is unsual, very well, you may have a seat,"

"-er I'm under Percy Jackson's protection?" I asked and the tall man once again pauses,

"Are you now." He sighs and looks down at his clipboard, "Well it's a good thing that your not a shade, just that thing inside of you," He reaches up and taping my scar a wisp came out of it... shade was the only way I could actually explain it.

"I'll be keeping the payment, of course, but no need to worry about payment for when you actually die- back you go now,"

He was lying facedown on the ground again.

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