Chapter 3- Magical Difficulties

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*meanwhile AJ, Elusive, Butterscotch, and Bubble are asking around without any luck and regroup at Fluttershy and Butterscotch's cottage*

AJ- *concerned* We asked all over town and no one saw her.

Elusive- *concerned* The poor dear, what dastardly creature would kidnap a child like that?

Bubble- *arches eyebrow* Uh, Chrysalis and Metamorphosis would? They kidnapped the CMC and Flurry and Fluffy who are both babies.

*the others nod in agreement*

Butterscotch- *thinks* I might have an idea. *calls out* Discord! Eris!

*Discord and Eris immediately pop in*

Discord: *curious* Butterscotch, what seems to be the issue? We're not scheduled for our weekly tea party until Tuesday.

Butterscotch- *concerned* Discord, Eris we need your help. One of our students, Ocellus has gone missing and nopony has seen her.

Eris- *crosses arms* Isn't that the young changeling that hangs out with the yak, dragoness, griffon, hippogriff, and earth pony? They always go off on adventures.

Elusive- *serious* You don't understand. Her friends said that Twilight went with her last night, but Twilight never saw her that evening.

Discord- *sighs* Where are Twilight and Dusk? Why don't they handle this?

AJ- *glares* Because they're busy with a friendship mission in the Everfree...Maze...

*Discord and Eris look at him*

Eris- *confused* Uh...don't you mean Everfree Forest?

Bubble- *to them* Nope. The forest magically turned into a maze.

*Discord and Eris look at each other in confusion*

Discord/Eris- *in unison* Show us.

*a short walk later and the group is at the entrance to the maze*

Eris- *serious* This is high scale transmutation magic.

Discord- *smirks* But this'll be taken care of with a literal snap of my paw. *snaps his paw*

*everyone waits but nothing happens*

AJ- *arches eyebrow* Is something supposed to happen?

*Discord looks in shock*

*Eris snaps her claw and nothing happens*

Butterscotch- *looks in concern* You two can't turn it back to normal?

*Discord and Eris uses their magic and blast at the barrier but their magic gets repelled back at them causing them to be blasted back to the ground*

Butterscotch- *worried* Discord! Eris! *rushes over to them*

*the others rush over to them*

Elusive- *worried* Are you two alright?

Eris- *looks up* Our magic has no effect on it...whatever or whoever is doing's more powerful than us.

Butterscotch- *concerned* What if it's like Chrysalis and Metamorphosis' throne?

Discord- *concerned* You said that Twilight, Dusk, Rainbow, and Blitz are in there?

AJ- *worried* Yeah, and if you guys can't enter it, they can't leave...

Elusive- *worried* They're trapped!

Butterscotch- *worried* We need to warn the princes and princesses!

*Discord and Eris attempt to use their magic but nothing*

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