Chapter 5- Power and Chaos

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*in the past in the Everfree Forest, Decepticolt, Zappityhoof, and Goldcap have a campfire set up and manually throw down firewood*

Goldcap- *tries to use her magic but nothing* *angrily* Nothing! It's been three years and our magic still hasn't come back!

Zappityhoof- *angrily* I was gonna be a princess! I would've been Princess Zappityhoof and ponies would be respecting me...and you guys too, but now we have nothing.

Decepticolt- *stomps his hoof angrily* And it's all that snotty prince and princess' fault that we're stuck like this! Who do they think they are?!

Zappityhoof- *angrily* What makes them so special to be the ones to get wings! They were regular unicorns just like us, but they're chosen to get all that power. It's not fair.

Goldcap- *rolls eyes* Remember, this is Twilight Sparkle and Dusk Shine we're talking about. Ya' know, Prince Solaris and Princess Celestia's star pupils, the hero and heroine of Equestria, headmare and headstallion of the famous School of Friendship...UGH! Hearing about those two is so annoying! They're just sitting on power, status, and glory and what do the rest of us get, NOTHING! I HATE THOSE TWO!

Voice- *sly and feminie* My sentiments exactly...

*the unicorn trio turns around in worry*

Decepticolt- *worriedly* Thanks to Prince and Princess Snooty, we're defenseless out here!

*the three huddle up in worry*

Zappityhoof- *worried* Who's out there!

Goldcap- *worried* Show yourself.

*a tall figure in cloak walks over to them slowly*

*the three look in worry*

Voice- *feminine* Don't be afraid, I won't hurt lost comrades such as yourselves. I'm lost too...

*the figure removes her cloak to be an anthropomorphic pink peacock with purple bat wings on her back, she has beaded light blue aqua regalia, and her eyes are light olive green with dark purple mascara*

Decepticolt- *shocked* Who are you?

Princess Eris- *sincere* I am Princess Eris, draconequis and lady of chaos and luck...which I'm down upon at the moment.

Goldcap- *thinks* Wait, you said your name was Eris? You don't look like her.

Princess Eris- *annoyed* She's my cousin along with Discord, I'm a draconequis from another that I can no longer go back to.

Zappityhoof- *shocked* You're from another dimension?!

Princess Eris- *nods* Yes. *bitterly* Until, I was overthrown thanks to that annoying Princess Luna and Prince Artemis as well as Princess Twilight and Prince Dusk...

Goldcap- *annoyed* Don't remind me about those goody two shoes prince and princess.

Princess Eris- *annoyed* Apparently, not. In my world, I made sure creatures who came in weren't goody two shoes heroes and protectors. But they got in and along with Luna and Artemis they reformed my best general and had me banished from my dimension. *curious* How about you three?

Goldcap- *glares* We decide we want to become alicorns like Twilight Sparkle and Dusk Shine did, so we took some pegasi' wings and we almost became alicorns but those four got the wings back and the *mockingly* Great Princess Twilight and Prince Dusk Shine took away our magic and we haven't gotten it back since!

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