Chapter 6- Princess Twilight vs. Princess Zappityhoof

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*back in the maze the group continues to wander and follow the pink light*

*the four encounter a yellow minotaur*

Yellow Minotaur- *scared* Kyaa! Y-you scared me! *gets in a defensive stance* Quit hiding around corners!

*the four look at each other in confusion and get in defensive stances*

*a little later after the minotaur has been defeated and the five continue on*

Dusk- *annoyed* I can't believe that snob Decepticolt decided to stay at the agency.

Rainbow- *to him* Hey, at least we don't have to deal with him anymore

Twilight- *admits* True, and despite Eris empowering them with wings, they're magic isn't...on our level.

Blitz- *smirks* Heck yeah, considering that Dusk whooped that moody unicorns flank in 10 seconds flat.

Dusk- *solemn* Yeah...

Twilight- *looks at him* Dusk? What's wrong?

Dusk- *looks at her* It's just-

*the four come face to face with a violet minotaur*

Violet Minotaur- *commanding* "Halt! Who goes there?" *admits* That's the kind of thing labyrinth minotaurs say, right? I'm kinda picking this up as I go along...*gets in a defensive stance*

*the four get into defensive stances*

*a few minutes later after the minotaur is defeated and the four move on with the enchanted ponies*

Dusk- *serious* I don't think Decepticolt was lying but something about how he described Eris was off.

Twilight- *nods* Yeah, from how he described Eris, it was like we were to blame for her defeat, but it was mainly Luna and Artemis.

Blitz- *shocked* Wait, wait. You two, Luna and Artemis went hoof to hoof against an alternate lord of chaos! Why didn't you tell us!

Dusk- *admits* We promised Luna and Artemis that we wouldn't tell anypony...but since that's what we're up against. We might as well tell you.

Rainbow/Blitz- *excited* Leave nothing out!

Twilight- Well, Eris was...

*the four come face to face with a red minotaur*

Rainbow- *groans angrily* OH COME ON! When are we gonna get this story!

Blitz- *gets in a defensive stance* Let's get this over with!

Red Minotaur- *annoyed* Here I am, minding my own business in this mysterious maze, I'm supposed to guard, and you four STRANGERS pop out of the bushes?! I won't stand for it!

*the four fight and defeat the red minotaur and it disappears in pink light*

Twilight- *relieved* We did it! I guess we should've expected to run into an angry minotaur...esque creature in a labyrinth, right? At least, that's how it is in the legends.

Rainbow- *groans* Yeah,yeah! Now get on with the story!

Blitz- Please!

*the four move on*

Dusk- Alright, well Eris is a draconequis who's the lady of chaos in an alternate Equestria-

Rainbow- *arches eyebrow* Like the other world that you go to see Sunset anf Glare or the one with that good Sombra and Oscura.

*Twilight and Dusk suddenly stop*

Dusk- *admits rather shakily* It's...funny that you mention Sombra and Oscura...

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