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Jackson Gilbert hated his life, not in a teen angst kind of way like his little brother, but more in a I hate the cards I've been dealt with kind of way. 

He hates that his parents died who he soon found out weren't actually his parents, he hates how his sister constantly hovers over him like she's his mother, he hates how him and his sister have been dragged into the supernatural all because he's a literal hot head and she has some weird old twin. 

So maybe there is a little teen angst, but over all his reasons for life hatred are valid. And it all started when the Salvatore brothers showed up completely turning their lives a full 180. 

But Jackson couldn't complain to much because before they came he was just a loner who had no clue why he was able to boil water faster than the stove or why he always seemed to have a fever. Don't get him wrong he's still a loner but now he's a loner with an understanding of what's going on.

Then again just because he now wasn't constantly worried about hurting everyone around him he has to worry about everyone around hurting him and his twin which is so much more inconvenient. 

Jackson wished he could go back to when life was simpler when his parents were alive and he wasn't the human torch or when vampires, witches, and werewolves were bed time stories. But maybe, just maybe being apart of this adventure wasn't so bad after all maybe he'll finally find peace whether it be by happiness or death, but peace sounds nice. 

But god does he miss when the only problems were him being too hot and too queer for societies standards. 

Fire Starter ~ Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now