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"We have to prank them."

Kendrick paused his Wii game with Sean and turned to Derick.

"You're kidding, right?" he asked.

"By 'them' you mean Mayred and her gang," Earl asked with a tone that clearly stated that he thought Derick was crazy.

"Her gang with Kiara who does wushu," Aaron added. "Karen who does judo, and..." he paused giving a shiver. "Zceska... have you seen her teeth!"

Sean also shuddered at the realization. "You're asking for a world of pain!" he exclaimed. "Her fangs are sharp!"

Kendrick nodded in agreement. "Yeah, but not vampire sharp, more like... um," he struggled for the right word. "Lion sharp, I guess."

"She'll bite us to death!" Sean exclaimed.

Derick gave his friends a blank look. "Guys, there's a reason why they ended up here, besides the fandom wars you've done."

His friends gave him 'what the fuck?' looks in return.

"Derick, I dunno if you have some kind of grudge, but those girls are crazy." Paolo said with a final tone.

"Kiara had a fucking stun gun!" Rene shouted while rubbing the back of his neck where Kiara had electrocuted him.

"Karen has some crazy judo skills." Aaron muttered as he thought back to the time Karen had hit him in his solar plexus.

Derick rolled his eyes at them. "C'mon, guys, girls and guys in a sleepover? Pranks are bound to happen!"

Kendrick raised a brow. "Let's say we do attempt to prank them, what crazy plan could we possibly come up with?"

Derick rubbed his chin in thought. "Hmm, I've thought of a few... but you have to admit, those girls can be pretty scary when mad."

"Even the seemingly calm ones." Earl muttered.

Rene, Paolo, Mike, Sean, and Kendrick shuddered along with Derick as they thought back to their battles with Mary, Lindy, Kiara, Zceska, and Mayred.

"They may be small," Paolo started. "But they sure can be tough."

"Oh my gosh, you're totally right!"

Derick and his friends were startled when found Jude huddled along with them in the circle they had unconsciously formed when they had begun discussing possible death caused by pranking The Gang.

"Jude, what the fuck are you doing here?" Mike asked.

Jude gave an exaggerated sniff. "The girls won't allow me to be in the same room as them while they're changing clothes!" he whined.

"Like, don't they know that their boobs and lack of a dick have absolutely no effect on me!" he added.

They all gave Jude blank looks.

"Jude," Kendrick slowly said. "I know you swing the other way and all... but you still have that part of you that will always be a part of the guys."

Jude gave him a horrified face.

"Fuck what?! What is it? My facial hair? My chest hair? My muscles? My abs?!" He began listing off many common symptoms of guy puberty.

"Dude, no!" Paolo shouted when he had enough. "It's right fucking down there!"

They, including Jude, looked down.

"Oh." Jude said. "That still proves my point though. I like dicks and hard chests and muscles. Not soft boobs and vaginas."

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