The Act

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I grumble as I leave Professor Harlows class. So much homework at least it's a group project. As I walk to the library to return some books I get lost in my thoughts.
" BOO."
I scream, "Jax"
"What" he asks.
"You know what I told you about scaring me," I pretend to pout.
He goes to grab my hand but I pull away. " We have to be careful nobody can see us together," I whisper.
This time he's the one that looks sad, " I hate this, the fact that we have to act like we don't like each other in public,"
" I know ," I say with equal sadness in my voice.
That's when I hear them. "Jax look out," I say hurriedly ," People are walking down the hall."

POV. Gilly

It's Jack, oh no not Jack. Breath I tell myself don't act suspisous. "Hey"
"Sup" Jack responded without a caring glance to either of us.
"So does either of you know what we are supposed to do for the project in Professor Harlows?" " Yeah it's just a group project on a magical item with 2 to 3 people due next week " Jax said
"She assigned us our partners, Jax and I were put in a group," I say trying to look annoyed. To which Jax responded with, " speaking of which Gilly and I need to go chose an item and get this over with."
"Okay see you guys around," Jack said as he walked away.
As he walked away I sighed in relief as we started to walk to the library , "that was to close ."
Jax nodded but look sad I had a feeling why but I still asked what was bothering him.
"Nothing really just having to act like I can't stand you is hard," he swallows, " and of course I hate Jack." I chuckle lightly.
" I know it's hard but maybe soon we could act like we made up and are just friends but it depends on how the quart acts about it." I said disappointedly 
"Anyway we really should start on the project seeing as it's due in like 4 days and need a whole presentation," Jax says unenthusiastically.
"Yep we should start on it," I grumble.
And so we walk into the library to start working on our project with out knowing that soon our situation is about to get a lot more complicated.

Author's note: Hi I know this is very short but if you want to know more about this story or are at all interested let me know so I can continue writing. If I don't update for awhile it's because I have a very busy life.

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