What Happened During the Date

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Authors note: Hey I know not many people read this but I figure I give an explanation on why I've been gone. So last year I was going into my freshman year and a lot of things changed I found out I was Bi for one. I was so incredibly busy with school I am in both Jazz and Marching/Concert Band as well as very active in sports, so I had zero time to write in my crazy schedule and I didn't think anyone would care if I just disappeared for awhile. So I just forgot about this and only one of my friends actually knows I do this sometimes but I'm not going to tell her that I started doing it again bc I love writing like this anonymously. Now to the story I'm going to try and start writing it again it might take a bit but I seriously want to post something and my writing style has changed a lot since last year as I was in a much harder english class. So bare with me as I try this again!!

FYI new key for narrator G= Gilly's POV J=Jax's POV 1st= first person 2nd=second person 3rd=third person Now back to the story:


During the two love birds date something sinister brewed in the forest without anyone knowing.

 A lot has happened since the last battle (the end of cursed) family troubles have come and gone

 lies have been told but for the most part nothing as violent as that battle has happened in years

 ( backstory time in this part of the story they like 17 more on that later) The only person besides

 Gilly to have noticed anything is Jocleyn. She may not want to admit it but Jocleyn has been

 feeling something bad coming but hasn't told anyone because she wants to figure it out by

 herself. So that night she went out into the forest to see if she could find anything. She found a

 two things that night 1 was ask she suspected that Jax and Gilly never broke up and even if her

 and Gilly don't always get along she wouldn't dare tell others about she just confirmed Jocleyn

 figured right away something wasn't right with there break up. The second thing was more

 disturbing something that couldn't be explained. She found a well which at first just seemed

 weird but she went to get a closer look and found something that looked like oil and water

 mixed with glitter almost like a liquid galaxy. Then light voice spoke, ¨touch the water, touch

 the water¨.

            Jocleyn isn't stupid but for some reason she listened and she was gone and when

 she came to she had no idea where she was. All she knew is that she wasn't in her world

 anymore. So she looked around to see what was happening and found herself in some cell in

 some kind of lab that surrounded an identical well to the one she had just touched. That's

 when she heard two people talking saying," Who is that!! It's been over a month and nothing

 from our crew just this random kid¨ . Trying to unlock the door she tries to use magic but is only

 met with silence (I've always imagined magic would have a humming sound) lucky for her she

 had a hidden potion in her pocket but when she went to gran it she realized she wasn't in her

 own cloths she was in a bright orange suit. That's when she starts to panic about what is

 happening and she never panics. So she starts to kick and punch the bars on the doors while

 yelling, ¨What is this place, where am I,¨

The strangers come rushing out screaming, ¨She's awake, She's awake¨

And more and more people come running out. Thats when she goes crazy throwing chairs and

 tables ( I like to think that Jocleyn is secretly ripped) Seeing how amped up the captive is they

 decide to knock her out again. All Jocleyn feels is a prick and everything goes dark.

                                                                             Time Skip

                        When Jocleyn wakes up again she finds that she is in a new room and is tied down she tries to get out but someone tells her to,¨ Stop making noise I'm here to help get you out¨

Jocleyn asks, ¨ Why should I trust you?¨

To which the stranger responds with, ¨ You shouldn't but I'm your only option.¨

¨I appreciate the truth,¨ is all Jocleyn can make herself say. The stranger unties Jocleyn from her restrains and says,¨"Let's get you back to the well so you can go home.¨"

She agrees starting to walk with him and asks,¨ While we walk can you tell me where I am?¨

¨ You are on Earth in a super classified area in Area 51¨ He tells me and we step out of the room.

Author: Okay so this story may have some holes in it bc like I said I have changed a lot so my story is still undergoing that same change but hope you enjoyed 

PS Sorry for any spelling mistakes my computer is weird 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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