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The tapping of the pencils in your hand never slowed, the anxiety kicking in while you sat in the waiting room. Using them as if they were drum sticks, you tapped rhythmically to try and ease your nerves.

Sure you had been tossed from foster home to foster home, but adopted? This was a first, especially since you were sixteen and the age people wanted to adopt kids were babies.

Your father didn't want you, nor did any existing relatives. 'Too much trouble,' that's what they all said. And with your mother dying while she gave birth to you, there wasn't much else for the government to do besides dropping you in the system.

Occasionally you'd get paired with a Mary Sue / John Doe kind of family, but then they would let you go, seeing how no progress would've been made.

You watched as your social worker walked out, smiling at the couple who saw you sit there, bored and unamused, "and that's all, I'll visit in a few weeks- to make sure that she's well adjusted, of course."

Your eyes never left the table as you turned to see a lovely man and woman stand next to you, "Hello Y/n, do you remember me?"

The man sat down next to you as the woman stood off to the side, "Yeah, Mr. Parker."

He smiled, "you don't need to call me that, that's way too formal for someone who's going to be living with us."

You raised an eyebrow, "why not just adopt one of the babies? I'm sure they'd be better for you. Besides, I met you once... I'm not sure how that meeting could've set your mind up to adopt me."

Peter chuckled, "Well, I for one love that snappy attitude. It's lively, but I do believe that there's more to you than that sarcastic barrier you put up. That's why we chose you."

You looked up from your pencils, "what?"

"I... I read the case file, and everything makes perfect sense. You'll still be going to therapy, if you want of course, but now there are somethings that are going to change." He stood up, holding out his hand to you.

"Like what?" You looked at him, very confused.


Peter smiled, looking at the empty room, "like getting your own safe space, but don't let it fool you. While you live here, yes, you will have the privacy of your own bedroom and bathroom, but."

He turned to you holding your hands, "you'll never have to be alone again."

An unfamiliar feeling arose, making your eyes tear up, "what?"

"You heard me, kiddo." He pulled you into a hug while MJ watched from the doorframe.


Days went by fast and Peter slowly broke down your walls, helping decorate your room and made it feel like a place you could call home. You smiled at the yellow stuffed bear he won you the first time he took you to the county fair.

MJ couldn't come because of work, but of course she would make it up to you later. Peter explained while you two were eating funnel cake about how he and MJ weren't able to have kids due to medical reasons, which is why they opted for adoption and the reason MJ was a little stand-offish at first. She didn't want to give the wrong impression by acting a certain way.

Apparently your file was the first one that stood out to him, since you both led very similar lives. Only his is now amazing in every way, but he reassured you that yours would be too.

The next week he took you farther out, which scared you since it was very far out of your comfort zone. Peter and MJ made sure that you looked presentable for whatever it was.

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