chapter 1

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The forced break, the nevermore students had just finished. For Wednesday she missed her companions, effervescent roommate Enid, Eugene and even Xavier. Wednesday practically spent every waking moment of the holidays with a sabre in hand. The few rare times she was spotted without one she had the phone Xavier gifted her in hand. The pigtailed raven-haired girl couldn't help but reflect over what happened last semester.

If Wednesday hadn't been so wrapped up in Tyler, she would have seen him for who he really was. She couldn't help but think, if she had only listened to Xavier maybe she would have put the pieces together sooner. Morticia couldn't help but notice a change in her daughter. Her daughter Wednesday was warmer, she made more of an effort to understand people. She hardly saw Wednesday waterboarding or even stretching Pugsley on the rack. Morticia couldn't help but smile. She had seen many curious things in the future for her beloved daughter, although it was hard to watch her struggle.

Xavier had spent most of the forced holidays travelling around the world with his father, "the master". Xavier couldn't help but roll his eyes. The one thing that had always brightened his mood was Wednesday. Over the holidays they had exchanged messages back and forth. He hopped they were getting closer, that the raven-haired girl of his dreams would finally look at him the way she had looked at Galpin. Xavier felt the familiar pulse of anger. He was angry that she was so pigheaded and stubborn. That she didn't listen to him when he warned her about Tyler. Xavier couldn't help but feel betrayed.

True to her word Enid spent almost all her time in San Francisco, she was correct when she had told Wednesday the could guarantee smog and drizzle the whole time. Although Enid wished Wednesday had come to visit she was grateful that she had not. Enid still hadn't hold her family about her "BIG" news. In an effort to protect the entire school and her best friend; on the night of the blood moon, she had shifted and kicked major Hyde ass. As much as her mother got to her Enid was quietly pleased, she managed to keep this one secret inn a pack where there wasn't any.

She was pleased that instead of Wednesday she had gotten Ajax's instead. Since her mother wasn't part of the loop, she practically left them to their own devises. To say they had gotten even closer over the holidays would be the understatement of the century. Of course, ajax was still clueless but at least he was cute.

Tyler Galpin never wanted to hurt his pigtailed raven-haired girl, but the Hyde inside him lived to serve loral. With her gone his Hyde couldn't be made to hurt anyone. Tyler thought of the look in Wednesdays face in the police precinct. The pain etched on her face, the look of shock. He knew if he had any real chance of making it up to the raven headed girl, he needed to see her. Tyler had by some miracle convinced the court to allow him to attend the school for outcasts.

Tyler hadn't wanted to hurt anyone, but he had no choice. Once a Hyde is unlocked its loyal to its master. He hasn't had any real control over the beast inside.... Not at first anyways. Tyler could only hope the girl he fell in love with so many months ago would forgive him. Even the beast with in seemed downcast. Tyler's father had turned into one of those helicopter parents he was always glad he didn't have.

After the way things ended last semester, his father finally came clean to his son. Wednesday was right, his mother was a Hyde. His mother Francoise was terrified of anyone finding out what she was. A Hyde. Francoise was terrified of the prospect her son would inherit her damaged genetics. Tyler's father never left him alone, if Tyler was home his father worked from home.

Tyler couldn't help but think his pigtailed raven-haired girl would be returning tomorrow. And he would have six months to try and win her over before Xavier got in the way and ruined everything between them like he tried too before. Tyler couldn't blame all his misgivings on Xavier it was his fault most of all.

The fresh semester was set to begin at nevermore, the small town of Jericho would once again be filled with the young students from every walk of life. Wednesday couldn't wait to paint Bianca in red in the salle D'Armes room. Xavier couldn't wait to see if the dark-haired beauty returned to the school. When he last asked Wednesday, she had been tight-lipped and secretive, it set him on edge. Enid has already arrived at the school.

She had her side of the room prepped and ready to go. She had tried to push as much colour to Wednesday side of the room without making it obvious that she had done it on purpose. Enid knew Wednesday was allergic to colour, but she hoped introducing more colour in small doses would help assimilate her into a totally colour filled room. Enid hoped her and Wednesday would only have to share with each other again this year. She was curious to see who would be replacing principal Weems this semester.

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