What now?.

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Thank you my dear friend for this lovely suggestion✨

Unfortunately wattpad is being an &zz and won't let me tag you so-



Scouting the area, a young male cautiously walks around the place, trying not to come off as sketchy.

He had to be careful, hence he was unable to properly use his quirk for some time now.

It went haywire ever since.... .....the news.

Few weeks ago, he moved to this place..

Why? You may ask?.

He had to keep tabs on his daughter.

When he heard the news, he knew something bad happened.

He knew that Leander wasn't a fan of the heros...but he also knew he would never do that.

Ana ended up getting away with everything, Leander taking the full blame on himself.

The male cussed at him quietly, for doing that..

But he was also greatful, for protecting Ana.

Words cannot describe how mad he was.

Not at Leander tho..

At himself.

Him, a hero.

{Y'all remember he was shooting for the top ten ye-?}

Was completely unable to do a thing, to defend his lover.

All he could do is stand by, and watch it all happen.

He knew that if he interfered, it would make everything ten times worse.

His heart broke into million pieces, as he watched them take Leander away..

He still remembered his breath hitch and heart stop, the second he made eye contact with his beloved redhead.

Ronin watched the sky colored eyes follow him all the way the second they met his stormy ones.

Both were filled with pain and regret.

But what broke Ronin...

Was that Leander sent him a gentle smile.

A smile...

In this situation?..

He knew he wasn't going to be able to stay trough the all process..

All he knew that Leander was going to rot in jail for the rest of his life, by a miracle he didn't get a death sentence.

Before they could lead the tall male away, the shorter snuck out, being short on breath..

~*+Ronin x Leander One Shots+*~ MHO/MHRWhere stories live. Discover now