Chapter 16

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 Because it's winter now, most people here don't need to go to the fields to farm, so Shen Chenyu followed Shen Liushi all the way and found that many people were chatting leisurely in the village.

After the snowstorm and banditry this time, although Xiling Village also died a few old, weak, sick and disabled, it was not as serious as Qishan Village. There is no depressing feeling like that of Qishan Village here, and everyone looks at Shen Chenyu with amazement and curiosity in their eyes, unlike the people in Qishan Village who always have calculations in their eyes.

Shen Chenyu didn't feel anything about this kind of sight, and was looking at the environment in the village leisurely. Overall, he had a good impression of Xiling Village, especially after comparing it with the environment in Qishan Village, he couldn't help but raise his rating of Xilin Village by a few points.

At the moment when Shen Chenyu was distracted, Grandma Shen was standing on the winding mountain road not far away, and she had already seen Shen Chenyu and the others from a distance.

The old man is already in his fifties. This age can only be considered middle-aged in later generations, but in ancient times he was already an old man. Her eyes are not very good now, and she can only see two tall and tall figures in the distance, and she can't tell which one of them is her grandson.

The original owner's biological father was the second child in the Shen family. There was an older brother who was always taciturn, a younger brother who was lost at the age of nine, and a younger sister who had already married far away. The only old man on the top was the grandma of the Shen family, and the old man of the Shen family had passed away many years ago.

The eldest family of the Shen family and the second family have separated, and the grandma of the Shen family lives with the eldest family. Generally speaking, the relationship between the Shen family in Xiling Village is quite simple.

Soon Shen Chenyu saw the grandma of the Shen family, and when she saw the old lady rushing here with excitement, she was a little surprised by her enthusiastic attitude.

Because most of the elderly in ancient times depended on their eldest son for the elderly, the average elderly would prefer the eldest son in the family, and most of the family property was inherited by the eldest son.

The same is true for the grandma of the Shen family, she also favors the eldest son's family more, and loves the eldest son's grandson more. However, although she was partial to the first room, she treated the second room pretty well, at least she didn't treat the second room harshly.

However, in the eyes of the protagonist Gong, the old lady's behavior of favoring the big house is already treating him harshly to him. Even if the old lady has always spoiled him because he is the grandson, the protagonist Gong will still feel resentful because the old lady is partial.

Later, the protagonist Gong was recognized by the Shen family in Qingcheng County, and the second son of the Shen family had an accident in the mountains in order to treat his daughter-in-law. Shen Liu, who lost her husband and son to rely on, was quickly moved out of the Shen family's old house by her aunt.

At that time, Shen Liushi was so sick that she almost died. Because she thought that Shen Liushi killed her second son, she was always reluctant to go to visit him.

Later, the uncle of the Shen family couldn't stand it anymore, and asked the eldest son and eldest daughter-in-law to take care of Shen and Liu Shi for a period of time. It was also this nephew of Dafang who helped to find the protagonist Gong and let him come back to visit Shen Liushi. Otherwise, based on the situation of Shen Liu's family at that time, it is estimated that they would not be able to find Shen Chenyu now.

Except that Dafang's aunt is a bit mean and Dafang's youngest brother is a bit headstrong, the Shen family in Xiling Village is generally very good.

As for the Shen family's grandma's resentment towards Shen Liushi, for an old man who gave away a white-haired man to a black-haired one, it was understandable for her to take her anger out on Shen Liushi. After all, the reason why the second son of the Shen family went to the mountains was indeed to collect herbs for Mrs. Shen Liu.

Because the whole novel has come to an end now, and the situation of Xiling Village is not described in detail in the novel, so Shen Chenyu doesn't know what happened to Xiling Village later.

At the same time, because the novels seldom describe the people here, Shen Chenyu doesn't know much about the people in Xilin Village. Seeing the old lady's enthusiastic look at this time, Shen Chenyu didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

Shen Chenyu is not afraid of being squeezed out or bullied, but she can't resist being too kind to him. So when he was hugged by the excited old lady, he could only stand there stiffly with a dazed expression on his face.

The old lady couldn't tell who was her grandson before, but when she saw Shen Chenyu's face clearly, she immediately understood that he was her little grandson.

Because Shen Chenyu's face is five or six points similar to Shen Liu's, many people guessed his identity at a glance. So they walked to the village along the way, but no one asked about the relationship between Shen Chenyu and Shen Liushi, but stared at Shen Chenyu's handsome face curiously.

Because the original owner has been studying all the year round, he always has a bookish air about him. In addition, he himself is very good-looking, coupled with the temperament of a scholar, it makes him look like a jade from a stranger.

The grandma of the Shen family was already very excited, but seeing that Xiao Sun was not only good-looking, but also well-bred by the Shen family in Qingcheng County, she couldn't hold back for a while and hugged her.

She patted Shen Chenyu a little excitedly, with tears glistening in her cloudy eyes. "It's good when you're back, it's good when you're back..."

Saying this, the old man was about to reach out and pull Shen Chenyu home. Seeing this, Shen Liushi hesitated for a moment, but still couldn't hold back and said something.

"That...Mother, Shen Yu is very tired all the way, let him go back with me to rest for a while, and then go to the old house..."

Before Shen Liu could finish speaking, the old lady had a displeased expression on her face. Interrupting her: "You live in such a small place, of course our Brother Yu will live in an old house when we come back."

It is obvious that Mrs. Shen and Liu are afraid of old ladies, no, most people in this era are afraid of their elders. After all, this is an era where filial piety is the heaven, and some people will criticize them if they are not good to the elders.

When Shen Chenyu heard the words, she remembered that the first and second families had separated, and now the old lady lived with the first family. Both the big house and the old lady lived in the old house, and the second son of the Shen family built two small houses in the north of the village.

"But, the house over there in the old house, isn't it... isn't there no room?"

The house where the second room used to live was already occupied by the eldest brother. That child was used to being a little lawless, and Shen Liu didn't want Shen Yu to confront that ignorant brother of the Dafang as soon as he came back.

The old lady seemed to think of this too, but she didn't take the child seriously. Like many traditional elders, she is more or less patriarchal in her bones.

In the past, the child was allowed to occupy the house because all the people in the second room had moved away, and Shen Chenyu, the grandson, did not come back. Now that the grandson of their old Shen's family is back, although she can't let Shen Chenyu live better than her eldest grandson, she is not willing to let Shen Chenyu live in that small house.

"He belongs to a brother's family, and sooner or later he will marry someone. Before letting him occupy it alone, it was because it was empty. Now that our brother Yu is back, he will give us Yu as a brother. Brother make way."

Shen Chenyu frowned when she heard this, although the old lady was obviously looking towards Shen Chenyu, but Shen Chenyu still didn't want to go back to the old house.

"Since the first room and the second room have separated, it's better for me to live with my mother."

Shen Chenyu looks gentle and elegant, with a good-spoken and good-tempered look on his face, but his words have a sense of needlessness Doubtful feeling.

In fact, in his heart, Shen Chenyu only wanted to recognize Shen Liushi alone. The reason why he followed Shen Liushi to Xiling Village was just to prevent that one day, if the Shen family in Qingcheng County threatened him with the kindness of nurturing, he could use the exchange of both sides to avoid trouble.

As for whether he recognizes the people of the Shen family in Xiling Village, and how to get along with the people of the Shen family in Xiling Village, Shen Chenyu plans to talk about it after meeting everyone.

If the relatives here are not bad, he reluctantly accepts them together. If they are as superb as the protagonist Gong said, Shen Chenyu has her own way to subdue them. Compared with the Shen family in Qingcheng County, which has a large family and business, the Shen family in Xiling Village is relatively easier to deal with.

Now the grandma of the Shen family treats Shen Chenyu fairly well because he is a boy and the only one who can inherit the incense in the second room, which saves Shen Chenyu a lot of trouble.

Because the grandma of the Shen family is the elder of the Shen family, and she is also the person who speaks the most in the Shen family and can make decisions. If she could favor Shen Chenyu a little more, others would never dare to provoke him by making fun of themselves.


The grandma of the Shen family took a look at Shen Chenyu, and knew that he had no relationship with this side, and many things could not be resolved overnight, so she didn't continue to take Shen Chenyu back forcefully.

The second room of the Shen family has only two rooms, one of which is still used for cooking. Shen Liushi planned to let Shen Chenyu live in his room, and then she moved to live in the kitchen by herself.

But Shen Chenyu, as a junior, was not willing to make Shen Liushi so hard at all, and was worried that Shen Liushi would be stubborn and refused to agree. He let Shen Liushi and Xiaoroubao live in the only bedroom on the grounds that she couldn't live in a place full of oily fumes by asking Shen Liushi to help take care of Xiaoroubao.

Fortunately, Shen Chenyu and Mu Linting had endured hardships, and they accepted the fact that they could only sleep in the kitchen well. Anyway, it's just a temporary stay for a few days, and soon he will find a way to build two more houses next to it.

It is relatively simple to build a farm house. It takes about four or five taels to build two green brick and tile houses. Now Shen Chenyu has five taels of silver in his hand.

That night, Shen Chenyu and Mu Linting stayed overnight, and the people from the Shen family's old house came over the next day. This time not only the people from Dafang came, but also some people from the same clan of the Shen family came together.

A group of people gathered at the door of the second room, discussing something noisily. Suddenly seeing Shen Chenyu coming out of the room, a group of people looked at him in unison.

Shen Chenyu is not very good at combing her long hair, she simply tied her hair up at this time, giving her a lazy feeling.

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