Chapter 4

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 Shen Chenyu, from a wealthy son with smooth sailing, first encountered a car accident and passed through unfortunately, and then he was about to face a purgatory opening just after transmigrating.

Probably God thinks he is too miserable, so he will light up the luck max for him during the lottery draw. Just a moment ago, she was still thinking about getting a weapon, and then Shen Chenyu, who drew a lottery, got a gift pack of cold weapons.

Shen Chenyu subconsciously looked up at the dilapidated roof while clicking to receive the big gift package. I thought to myself, could it be that the mysterious old grandma was looking at him, thinking that he was too pitiful for him to play tricks on him?

But before Shen Chenyu could continue to think wildly, a big gift suddenly appeared in the room. Because there are too many things in the big gift bag, the room that was not particularly big was filled up at once.

Shen Chenyu rubbed her little hands a little excitedly, then stared at the weapons in front of her for a long time to choose, and he found that the only thing he could use was a bow and arrow.

The main reason why Shen Chenyu knows how to use bows and arrows is because he is in the aristocratic circle. Children from families like theirs, while enjoying an enviable and wealthy life, have to develop moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic development from an early age.

For example, Shen Chenyu and her elder sister Shen Chenyue, the two not only had to learn piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but also horseback riding, archery, golf and so on.

Shen Chenyu was a little talented in archery when she was a child, and then this talent was caught by her grandparents, and then forced Shen Chenyu to practice from childhood to adulthood.

Although the process of practicing archery is very painful, it has to be said that there are many skills without overwhelming one's body. If it weren't for the persecution of her grandparents back then, the current Shen Chenyu is just a waste, even if she is reborn now, she probably wouldn't live a very good life.

Although Shen Chenyu's archery skills are not as perfect as fire, he won many awards when he was a teenager in his last life.

After Shen Chenyu chose the bow and arrow, she put the other weapons into the space. In ancient times, the folks had very strict control over weapons, and ordinary people could only have some self-made weapons, such as hatchets and bows and arrows made by Orion himself.

As for the big knives and long swords in the big gift bag, these things can only be used by some special people. If this kind of thing happens to ordinary farmers, it will easily cause unnecessary trouble for themselves.

After Shen Chenyu put away her weapon, she pushed aside the snow blocking the door and walked out. This is the first time he has stepped out of this dilapidated thatched hut after he came to this world.

He struggled forward on the snow covered his waist, and couldn't help but be dazzled by the scenery in front of him. Because there is a mountain that is close at hand, compared with the majestic and mysterious mountain, he looks so small. It was a strange feeling that he couldn't explain clearly, and even for a moment he felt that the world in front of him was very unreal.

Because there is still a comatose person in the house, Shen Chenyu can't leave the house too far away, so he can only wander around the thatched cottage a few times.

The original owner's house was built halfway up the mountain, some distance away from the village at the foot of the mountain. So when Shen Chenyu came out, she didn't see anyone nearby, but found that there seemed to be signs of animals passing by nearby. It was also because there was no one around that Shen Chenyu dared to run out wearing a military overcoat.

Fortunately, this heavy snow is relatively heavy, and the weather is very cold now and the snow has not melted. A little rummaging under the deep snow can also find some firewood that is not wet.

Because there are no other people near the original owner's house, there is still a lot of firewood nearby. Shen Chenyu ran back and forth three times, and picked up a lot of firewood from nearby, which was enough for their family for two or three days.

Because after the heavy snow stops, it will not take long for the snow to melt, and it will not be easy to find dry firewood. After Shen Chenyu rested for a while, she ran out to collect firewood twice in the severe cold.

After that, he cleared the snow from the roof. The house they live in now is made of thatched cottage, if it is not located in a shelter from the wind. Such a simple and rough house must have collapsed silently in the wind and snow. It's better for him to clear the snow now, so as to save water from leaking when the snow melts.

After Shen Chenyu finished her work, the sky outside had gradually darkened. He casually inspected the small yard, and saw that the yard was simply surrounded by fences, without even a decent gate, so he couldn't help sighing in his heart, it seemed that there were still things he needed to do. a lot.

Because the original owner's health is very poor, he is a typical frail scholar, so Shen Chenyu is almost exhausted and paralyzed at this time.

While closing the door tightly, he moved his frozen face, and then dragged his weary steps towards the fire. It was only after he squatted by the fire for a long time that the cold and stiffness in his body eased.

Just when Shen Chenyu was going to make a simple dinner, and then honestly fell down to rest, there was a strange whimpering sound outside.

Shen Chenyu wasn't sure if it was the wind or what, so he pricked up his ears and listened carefully. Waiting until his patience was about to run out, he heard the strange whimper again. The sound was like a wolf howling, and this guess made Shen Chenyu feel goosebumps all over his body.

In fact, a few days ago, Shen Chenyu vaguely heard this voice. But at that time, the sound of wind and snow outside was very loud, and the sound was far away from them, so Shen Chenyu didn't pay much attention to it.

For Shen Chenyu who lives in a metropolis, such a large beast has only been seen in a zoo. Moreover, most of the wild animals in the zoo have been tamed. Many animals not only do not attack people, but are also very docile.

So in Shen Chenyu's bones, she has no idea about this dangerous animal. But it wasn't until the cry just now that Shen Chenyu realized that the danger was approaching.

Because that call was very clear, if Shen Chenyu heard correctly, the owner of that call was near their house. This realization made Shen Chenyu's hair stand on end, it felt like being preyed by something.

Shen Chenyu carefully picked up the bow and arrow on the ground, and then quietly walked towards the door. He wanted to check the doors and windows carefully, and after making sure that the doors and windows were tightly closed, his hanging heart relaxed a little.

But just as Shen Chenyu was walking back from the door, a tiny animal's panting sound passed through the door panel, piercing into his eardrum like a needle.

Shen Chenyu drew the bow and aimed almost reflexively, and her whole mental state was stretched to the extreme. He stared at the thin door panel in front of him, always feeling that the beast outside would rush in the next moment.

Probably because it sensed the murderous aura inside, the thing lying at the door quickly turned and left. Shen Chenyu put down the bow and arrow in his hand after confirming that the beast outside had really left, and let out a deep breath of relief.

Shen Chenyu, who had been tired for a whole day, was very sleepy and tired, but after this fright, she immediately became much more energetic, and at this moment he dared not sleep again if he was asked to go to bed.

The mountains were blocked by heavy snow, not only many people were trapped to death at home, many animals also ran out of the deep mountains and old forests after they could not find food.

Shen Chenyu looked at the useless wooden door, even if there was a fire here, he would not dare to sleep here, he was very worried that he would not be able to wake up after falling asleep.

If I had known earlier, I would have scored more points, and then made his space bigger, so that they could temporarily live in the space. Anyway, Mu Linting is now blind, even if he suddenly wakes up, he won't find anything.

It's a pity that his space is too small, and various materials are slowed down inside. It's okay to go in and barely stay for one night occasionally, but it's too much to suffer if you live in it every day.

Although Shen Chenyu felt that the space was small, but because she was frightened by the wild beasts outside, she took Mu Linting into the space that night. He moved some things out of the space, and only then did they barely have a place for them to rest.

Because of the suitable temperature in the space and the absolute safety inside, even though the space they lived in was really small, Shen Chenyu slept very soundly that night.

What Shen Chenyu didn't know was that both Mu Linting and Xiaoroubao woke up last night when he was sleeping in a dark place.

Mu Linting was woken up by the cry of the little meat bun, the little guy's cry was as weak as that of a kitten, so Shen Chenyu, who was physically and mentally exhausted, was not awakened, but Mu Linting, whose condition had improved and had been sleeping lightly.

Although Mu Linting didn't like this child and felt that this child should not come into this world, but he was not a mean and cold-blooded person in his bones. So the moment he heard the child's cry, he subconsciously wanted to drag his scarred body to see the child. It's a pity that before he could make a move, he was keenly aware of the changes in the surrounding environment.

The first is the surrounding temperature. Unlike the previous ice and snow, the surrounding temperature makes him feel very comfortable. Secondly, there is no decaying smell around, but the smell of all kinds of food, which makes Mu Linting's hungry stomach let out a hopeless cry.

But no matter how hungry he is now, he will not touch other people's food casually without knowing what the situation is. Not to mention whether these foods can be eaten, just because these foods do not belong to him, as a soldier, Mu Linting can't just touch other people's things casually.

Mu Linting is a very strict self-disciplined person, such a person has always been strict with himself. At the same time, such a person also belongs to the kind of personality that is more likely to suffer and be bullied in life.

While Mu Linting was wondering what was going on, he couldn't help but want to get up to see his child. It's a pity that although his condition has recovered a lot, he still can't move due to his serious injuries. Mu Linting tried many times and finally had to choose to give up.

Fortunately, the child only hummed a few times, and probably fell asleep after crying tired. The medicine Mu Linting took contained sleep-promoting ingredients. After the child stopped crying, he couldn't resist the effects of the medicine and was tired, and soon fell asleep again unknowingly.

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