Chapter 61

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Because of drinking, Mu Linting's eyes were reddish, and when he heard Shen Chenyu's words, he subconsciously raised his head, and Shen Chenyu kissed his thin lips sideways.

Mu Linting's body couldn't help shivering when the kiss came up with a slightly cold wine-smelling lips. Seeing that he wanted to escape, Shen Chenyu wrapped her hands tightly in her arms.

Shen Chenyu in the previous life was taller and stronger than now, many people were deceived by his gentle appearance now, and they thought Shen Chenyu was a gentle scholar.

They don't know that the so-called gentleness is just an illusion given to them by the current skin. In fact, Shen Chenyu is still very strong in his bones.

As for why he respected Mu Linting so much before, but now he seems to have changed all of a sudden. The main reason was that they hadn't connected with each other before, and he would be playing a hooligan if he tried to mess with others.

But it's different now, now that Mu Linting has agreed to live with him, then they are serious couples. Do it after confirming the relationship, it is not playing hooligans but the fun between husband and wife.

Mu Linting was a little confused about what happened after that, all he knew was that Shen Chenyu poured him a lot of wine lip to lip. Drinking the cold beer in one gulp, Mu Linting's unclear mind was even more confused.

Then... Probably because of the drunkenness, Shen Chenyu dragged him into that strange place and pressed him on a soft bed.

Following Shen Chenyu's actions, Mu Linting became bolder. He was not an ordinary weak boy, even if he felt shy, he didn't like to be twitchy. Just like before Shen Chenyu asked him if he wanted to live with Shen Chenyu in the future, he just expressed his heart directly with actions.

It's the same this time, he never wants to live that kind of lonely life again, and finally meets a person who suits his own heart. body of.

Even if everyone thinks that a person like him is not worthy of Shen Chenyu, unless Shen Chenyu takes the initiative to let go of his hand, otherwise...he will never let go.

Mu Linting, whose mind was muddled, only felt that he had spent a ridiculous night, his body seemed to have turned into the softest vine, and he kept strangling Shen Chenyu with all his strength.

When he was in love, he seemed to bite Shen Chenyu in pain, and he didn't know if Shen Chenyu would be injured...

Early the next morning, Shen Chenyu moved his aching shoulder, wanting to be like Go to the study to study as usual. As a result, as soon as he put on his clothes and sat up, a hand stretched out beside him gently grabbed him.

It was a hand full of scars but with beautiful bones. Seeing this, Shen Chenyu immediately held his hand, then leaned forward to look at the person on the bed.

Shen Chenyu did not take the last step last night because she was worried that Mu Linting would become pregnant again. However, although there is no direct real knife and gun, but what should be done and what should not be done, they are almost done.

Because Mu Linting was too obedient, with an obedient look on his face, Shen Chenyu took care of Mu Linting with her hand of writing and ink. But although he is serving people on the surface, only he can understand the fun in it.

Based on Mu Linting's experience in bed, he probably didn't understand at all that yesterday's meal was actually just an appetizer before a big meal. Seeing Mu Linting's attachment to him at this time, Shen Chenyu knew that he must have thought that was what happened last night.

It's really not that Mu Linting is stupid. First of all, Mu Linting's mother died when he was young. Whether it's his father or his cruel stepmother, neither of them would teach him these things.

Secondly, although he has seen many of these things in the army, but because he dare not look carefully every time, in fact, he has no idea what to do in that aspect.

In the end, there was the big wedding between Mu Linting and the original owner. On the day of the wedding, both he and the original owner were drugged, so he didn't know what happened.

Thinking of such a pure Mu Linting giving birth to a cub in such a muddle, Shen Chenyu's heart ached.

As for why he was worried about conceiving a child, it was not that Shen Chenyu didn't want to have another child, but that the birth environment in ancient times was too bad, and he planned to take good care of Mu Linting's body.

In Shen Chenyu's eyes, although children are important, they are not as important as Mu Linting, so he is not willing to take risks for this.

The best thing is that he can continue to make money, and then by unlocking the malls of other planes, he may be able to buy some better things as a guarantee.

Shen Chenyu saw Mu Linting's eye circles were red, touched his cheek softly and asked, "I'm going to read a book, do you want to come with me?"

Mu Linting moved his stiff body slightly, Probably because Shen Chenyu's voice was too gentle, he couldn't hold back hearing the words for a moment and nodded.

Seeing this, Shen Chenyu smiled, her voice was low and deep, and she went to the study with Mu Linting in her arms.

Mu Linting didn't expect this kind of togetherness, and was a little embarrassed to jump down, but Shen Chenyu didn't give him a chance at all, and quickly carried him into the study next door.

The two soaked in the study for an hour, until there was a noise from the yard outside, and then the two came out of the study one after the other.

Mu Linting's cheeks were flushed abnormally, as soon as he came out, he quickly walked back to the room, and then shut the door behind Shen Chenyu.

Shen Chenyu was a little funny looking at the closed door, thinking of how miserable he was in the study before, knowing that he would not be able to enter the door for a while, so he could only go out for a walk around pretending to be chic.

When Shen Chenyu ran out for a stroll, on the other side Mu Linting changed his clothes when he went back. He held on to the dirty clothes for a long time before he got up and planned to wash them secretly by himself.

What Mu Linting didn't expect was that when he opened the door, Xiangxue looked straight at him. Xiangxue saw that the other party was holding a ball of clothes in his hand, so she enthusiastically stepped forward to help Mu Linting wash it.

Mu Linting was rarely flustered, he hugged the clothes in his arms tightly and said, "No, I'll do it myself."

As he spoke, he hugged the clothes back without waiting for Xiangxue's answer. It's broad daylight now, so he thinks it's better to wait until night to wash.

And the person who caused him such embarrassment was wandering leisurely in the village at this time, and would stop to chat with the villagers from time to time.


Seeing that she was about to go to the hospital for an exam, Shen Chenyu received a message from Mrs. Liu that she planned to pack up and leave soon.

In the past few days, he and Mu Linting are in the period of passionate love, and they can't help but want to get close when there is no one around. Now that Shen Chenyu is going to Wuling Mansion suddenly, Mu Linting can't help being a little absent-minded.

In the past, Shen Chenyu went to private school to study, and it took a long time to come back every time she left. Now it is only a month away, but it has suddenly become a torment for Mu Linting.

But no matter how tormented he is in his heart, he is not the kind of character who will mess around and pester Shen Chenyu just because he feels uncomfortable.

However, what Mu Linting didn't expect was that the night before Shen Chenyu's departure, he knew that Shen Chenyu was going to take him with him. Because the surprise came so suddenly, Mu Linting felt that it was all a dream.

It was a deliberate choice for Shen Chenyu to take Mu Linting with him. This time they were going to Wuling Mansion, which was farther than Liangzhou Mansion.

Mrs. Liu and the others would take their people or family members with them. Shen Chenyu thought that Mu Linting had been suffocating at home, and good people would be suffocated sooner or later, so she planned to take this opportunity to take him out for a walk.

As for Mu Linting's identity, Shen Chenyu felt that Mu Linting's face would be ruined like this, as long as the other party kept a low profile, there should be no problem.

Originally Xiangzhen wanted to go with her, but because only Shen Liushi and Xiangxue were at home, Shen Yu was worried if he left too, so in the end Xiangzhen could only stay obediently.

Fortunately, Shen Chenyu is going to take part in the imperial examination, not to go to any dangerous border, so Mu Linting will not be in too much danger if he follows him.

When Shen Chenyu took Mu Linting away, many villagers in Xiling Village saw it. Someone saw the village head and asked a little bit puzzled: "Head, Brother Yu and Dahan are both boys, why does Dahan leave the village so early every year to take the exam? I remember that last spring, Dahan also left in February After leaving the village, it took half a year to come back from the outside."

Some people felt strange a long time ago, but they didn't understand these before without comparison, and now Feng Dahan seems strange after comparison.

If it is said that Feng Dahan has not passed the county examination, it is okay to say that the other party went in advance to take the examination. But now Feng Dahan is clearly a Tongsheng, they heard from Shen Chenyu that Tongsheng doesn't need to take the first two exams, and they can wait until August to take the hospital exam. Since the college exams only started in August, Feng Dahan left the village early in the past two years, and he didn't know what he was doing outside.

The village head was a little angry when he heard the words, but he still explained to Feng Dahan on the face: "This kid hates the disturbance at home, so he leaves early every year, just to be able to study outside with peace of mind. We don't understand these scholars, probably Everyone has a different way of reading."

Although everyone felt that there was something wrong with Feng Dahan, they couldn't say anything in front of the village chief, so they had to follow the village chief's words for the time being. But after the village chief turned and left, the expressions of the group of people who spoke became subtle.

Regarding the matter of Xu Qingliu before joining forces, everyone felt that Feng Dahan had been outside for so long, so it was definitely impossible for him to be studying peacefully, maybe he was messing around in that gentle village.

Just as a group of villagers guessed, Feng Dahan was really soaking in Ruanrou at this time. Feng Dahan has been in the college entrance examination for three years in a row. In these three years, every time he came to Wuling Mansion, he would go to his old friend to find a little brother who was a prostitute.

This little brother is not very old, and he has been a prostitute for many years. A prostitute is not the same as a prostitute. During the day, a prostitute is no different from an ordinary person, living a very ordinary life with everyone. But at night, prostitutes will bring different men back to spend the night, selling their bodies to earn a little money to live.

Most of these men who came to look for prostitutes did not have much money to go to prostitution in brothels, so they could only enjoy themselves with prostitutes in alleys. In this way, most of the prostitutes are not picky, whether they are men, women, young or old, or homeless people on the street, so most of them don't live long, and they can easily get some dirty infectious diseases.

Feng Dahan has been in Wuling Mansion for half a month, and he has been fooling around with his little lover for the past half month, making it vain to walk all over.

On this day Feng Dahan was promiscuous in the daytime, suddenly there was a sudden sound of knocking on the door outside, which made him shrivel all of a sudden.

Seeing this, the little brother under Feng Dahan gave Feng Dahan a dissatisfied look, and then walked outside while putting on his clothes.

The little brother twisted his waist and opened the courtyard door, and saw a big belly waiting outside the gate with a worried expression on his face.

The other party saw that it was a charming little brother who opened the door, and the clothes on the little brother were not neatly dressed, so he felt guilty that he had found the wrong place.

"Sorry, sorry, I seem to have found the wrong place." The

big belly brother said, then hurriedly turned and left. The enchanting little brother curled his lips, and slammed the courtyard door shut with a bang. As a result, he hadn't turned back to the house when the courtyard door rang again behind him.

The little brother became angry immediately, and opened the door again angrily, and he saw the person who had gone and returned, with a tall and thin scholar beside him.

The little brother folded his arms and looked at them and said, "What are you doing? Knock, knock, it's endless."

Hearing this, the tall and thin scholar frowned and said, "Is my brother here, his husband?" Come and find him."

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