Chapter 26

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 The Shen family was stimulated by the one hundred taels of silver, and they wanted to increase production and continue to sell to Qingcheng County, but Shen Chenyu poured cold water on them.

Although there are many wealthy families in Qingcheng County, how many newborns can they have in a year? Their cribs are only suitable for children under the age of two, older children are not suitable for sleeping in them. If they make too many cribs in one go, a small Qingcheng can't digest them at all.

What's more, these cribs are all handmade, which is completely different from the mass production of machines in later generations. When they make cribs one by one, it is estimated that replicas will come out at that time. It's better to take advantage of the fact that no one can do it now, and do more quickly to earn a quick sum of money first.

When imitations appeared on the market, Shen Chenyu would give them another blueprint. They have been walking in front of everyone, and when they have accumulated a lot of capital in their hands, they can expand their production and send it to other places.

As for why not send it now, apart from the inconvenient transportation, the main reason is that there are many robbers. If you put your life into it for making money, no matter how much money you make, you won't have that life to enjoy.

When they have enough capital, they can hire labor or bodyguards to deliver them, and then think about expanding production.


Shen Chenyu didn't stay in the big room for long. He hasn't come back for several days, and he doesn't know what's going on at home.

He walked home with the money in a good mood, and met many villagers along the way. In the past, when everyone saw Shen Chenyu, they would greet him very warmly. But the attitude of the villagers today is a bit strange, and some people look at him with a guilty conscience.

Seeing this, Shen Chenyu was very suspicious, wondering if someone took the opportunity to go to his house to make trouble when he was not around?

If someone really went to his house to cause trouble, with the current relationship between the eldest and second wife of the Shen family, Aunt Shen would definitely tell him when she saw him.

Even if this uncle doesn't like him very much, and even has some discord with Shen Liushi, she will not really watch the second room being bullied.

Just when Shen Chenyu was about to get home, an aunt suddenly called out to stop him. "Brother Yu, don't go back yet. Your mother and husband are both at Widow Zhang's house. You should hurry over and have a look, and don't let them be bullied by that little widow."

Shen Chenyu thanked her when she heard the words, and then Lifting his feet, he quickly ran towards Widow Zhang's house. Shen Chenyu, a widow, had seen this picture once before, and because the other party was a woman with a child, he wanted Shen Liu to help her more.

Now it seems that the other party is not a fuel-efficient lamp, otherwise, with Shen Liu's kind and cowardly character, and Mu Linting's uneasy situation of leaving the door, how did this widow have conflicts with these two people? Shen Chenyu was very sure in her heart that it was definitely Widow Zhang who provoked the two of them, otherwise such a thing would not have happened.

This incident happened not long ago, it just happened when Shen Chenyu's family was in the big house, so the Shen family's big house didn't know the situation.

Before Shen Chenyu arrived at Widow Zhang's house, she saw a lot of people around the door of Widow Zhang's house from a distance. Taking advantage of no one around to notice him, he put the money in his arms into the space, and then hurried over there quickly.

Just as Shen Chenyu arrived at Widow Zhang's house, Shen Jiayu and others rushed over after hearing the news. Both sides have just arrived here, so they don't know what's going on. Shen Chenyu and the Shen family looked at each other, and then they squeezed into the crowd together.

Shen Jiayao is a little brother, so it's not easy to follow them into the crowd, so he can only look inside with curiosity and anxiety.

Shen Jiayao didn't like the weak second aunt, but she was a little worried about the child in the second room. Probably because they are brothers, Shen Jiayao has an inexplicable affection for that child.

So when he heard about the accident in the second bedroom, he followed him in a panic, just worried that something might happen to the child.

As soon as the two of them squeezed in one after the other, they saw a young woman with pear blossoms in tears, who was crying and complaining: "It's true that my child is ignorant of this matter, and I took the child there just now I apologize, but you can't push yourself just because I don't have a man in my family."

"Aunt Caixiang and we are both widows. You should understand how hard it is for a woman to take care of children. I get up early and work in the fields every day, so it is inevitable that I have lost some discipline on my children. This is indeed my fault. I I apologize to you here, you just look at our orphans and widows, so let's forget about it."

This young woman is Widow Zhang, who is only twenty-two years old this year, and she is a woman who is as delicate as a flower. age. In fact, her appearance is not outstanding, but because of her exquisite figure, and the type of little bird that men like most, she is very popular with young men in the village.

But because of the simplicity of the people in Xiling Village, no matter how handsome the little widow is, not many people will run to the little widow to provoke her because she doesn't have a man in her family. Therefore, Widow Zhang's house is considered clean, and her reputation in Xiling Village is not particularly bad.

Although Shen Chenyu didn't know what happened, but when she heard the other party's tone, she knew that this widow Zhang was a bit difficult.

Because before Shen Liushi and Mu Linting opened their mouths, many people stood by Widow Zhang's side. Especially for some young men who have not married a wife, when they saw Widow Zhang's pitiful face, they couldn't help but speak to Widow Zhang.

"I said, Aunt Caixiang, you used to be unreasonable and unforgiving, but now that your son is back, it's different. It's because of the pettiness between the children. Why are you holding on to a little wife like this?" What's more, isn't your child okay, why are you so aggressive?"

"Yes, yes, it is not easy for Zhang's daughter-in-law to take care of the child alone. Since she has already brought the child to apologize, your family Don't hold on to them. After all, everyone is from the countryside, so you have to forgive and forgive others."

Shen Liu's eyes turned red when she heard the words, and she didn't care about it before because she didn't care about her own losses. But the situation is different now. The one who suffers now is her little grandson who is on top of her heart. If she softens her attitude at this time, others will see that her grandson is easy to bully, and they will not try hard to bully her grandson in the future.

There is a bottom line in being a human being. Some things can be tolerated, but some things are absolutely not. Don't let some people know that they are easy to bully, let alone lose Shen Chenyu's face because of this.

Shen Chenyu is a scholar, and scholars are most concerned about face and integrity. She couldn't break Shen Chenyu's pride just because she didn't show up.

Hearing the echoes from the people around him, Mu Linting, who hadn't reacted all this time, suddenly laughed and said, "If that's called an apology, then I'll beat her up now and imitate her appearance. A fake apology."

When Widow Zhang went to make an apology, not many people knew the situation at that time, and everything was said by Widow Zhang. At this time, when everyone heard Mu Linting's words, they immediately understood that things might not be that simple.

So some rational people stopped talking after hearing Mu Linting's words. There are only a few men who have a good relationship with Widow Zhang and those who have mischief towards Widow Zhang continue to stand firmly on Widow Zhang's side.

Seeing Widow Zhang winking at him, a young man jumped out and stood in front of Mu Linting. He originally looked down on Mu Linting very much, thinking that his elder brother didn't take good care of the children at home, so he was not only good at archery but also martial arts like a man.

I don't know what brother Shen Jiayu thinks, to marry such a fierce and ugly brother. At this time, when he heard that the other party wanted to touch his woman, the young man immediately said to Mu Linting with enthusiasm: "Anyway, you are such a big brother, it is not easy to fight with other women. Even if you are a brother, If you really do something to her, don't blame me for being rude to you."

Mu Linting raised his hand when he heard this, with a look on his face that he really planned to compete with the other party, and he was not afraid at all because he was a man.

Just when the young man was stimulated by him and was about to strike with his fist regardless, Shen Chenyu suddenly couldn't help but sneered.

"Hehe, it's really interesting."

Because of Shen Chenyu's sudden arrival, the young man who made the move froze immediately. Although he looked down on Mu Linting, he was a little afraid of Shen Chenyu.

It is obvious that Mu Linting is more fierce than Shen Chenyu, but Shen Chenyu's body is so evil, which makes him feel very difficult to provoke.

In addition, after Shen Chenyu came to Xiling Village, the changes that took place in the Shen family during this period of time, and the sudden start of business by the eldest family of the Shen family, it is undoubtedly Shen Chenyu who is behind the scenes.

The other party didn't want to provoke Shen Chenyu very much, and always felt that Shen Chenyu was a bottomless person. So after seeing Shen Chenyu, he immediately regained consciousness and withdrew his hand.

Seeing that he had stopped, Shen Chenyu didn't intend to let the other party go, but smiled and said to the people in Xilin Village: "What happened, why did you suddenly want to attack my husband?"

Before Everyone didn't notice Shen Chenyu, and when they saw Shen Chenyu coming back, their expressions became weird. Especially the person who was helping Widow Zhang to speak just now, seeing Shen Chenyu still looking at them with a smile on his face, felt an indescribable sense of guilt.

As soon as Shen Liushi saw Shen Chenyu coming back, she relaxed her straightened waist all the time. She hurriedly walked over with the little meat bag in her arms, and before she could speak Shen Chenyu saw that the little meat bag was injured.

The little meat bun is like heavy jade, and the skin is very white and tender. At this moment, a bloodstain on the cheek looked particularly frightening.

The little guy was tired from crying before, and was trying to sleep in a daze. At this time, he should have sensed his own father, Xiao Roubao groaned and groaned, his little face wrinkled into a white bun.

Although Shen Chenyu is an unreliable father, Xiao Roubao hasn't suffered much since Shen Chenyu came here. Shen Chenyu has always treated him as a treasure, and over time she really regarded him as her own child.

At this time, when she saw the appearance of Xiao Roubao, Shen Chenyu, who had never been angry since time travel, showed an angry look for the first time on her pretty face. While hugging Xiao Roubao, he asked angrily with a smile: "Who made this?"

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