"Reigen Arataka ? Who's that // 1„

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// 1—Reigen Arataka ? Who's that☎️👔

( #Author Note ; this is my second story so it's bad and cringe and..just literal garbage lol )

Hi there, I'm Y/N..well I'm you in this story! Hehe let me tell you about me. I have your hair colour, i have your eye colour and i have your skin colour. Well i'm kind of..like you?? Oh and my daily outfit is peach or dark brown.

You have two choice idk,also there's like 5 different version of you cause i make different Mp100 character x Y/N sometime..

Use your imagination. The one i settled is the Reigen one 😑


i was walking while thinking about what happen last night.
The window was crashed,my bed,blanket and pillow float..
There was this thing trying to kill me.. Nah,definitely was a dream,still. I should found someone to talk about it..

Huh...Spirit and such consultancy?? MAYBE IT WILL HELP ME!
i walk in the office and sees a man with grey suit and pink tie. The man look at me

“Welcome to spirit and such consultancy! What can I help you with?“ he said. I sit down and stare at him

····🍃···············🕊️···········Moment of silence············🍃············

”well..last night i was sleeping- and the bed starts floating and it makes me wake up.. i see a black figure that was trying to kill me. Like literally- please help me,i don't know who to talk this with anymore.” i explain the whole thing to the man. “what's your name,miss?“ he asked ”i'm Y/N..”

“I'm reigen arataka,the best pyshic of the 21st Century!“

( #Author Note ; forgive me if it's wrong😭 )

Suddenly, there's a boy walking in the room then bows.

“ah,Mob! Back from school?“ the boy stopped bowing and replied to the man. “yes, Who's that master?“ · “oh,just a new costumer.“

Hmm...Master? Is the man supposed to be this kid's master??
I'm confused.

“well..now that you are here,we can help miss Y/N with her problem!“ the man,slide a paper on the table. “choose whatever you want!“ he said.

I rub my eyes and grab the paper to take a look.. well I'm choosing the third one because i have so much money i don't know what to spent on.

”i will just choose the C one,please just get rid of the spirit..or whatever it's called.”

💛——————————–Skip Time🥭——————————💛

Me,Reigen and Mob goes to my house.
They looked around the house to check if there's any other spirits.. they finally go to my bedroom.

“master,i sense a powerful spirit. Do you sense it too?“ ·
“huh? No,sorry—my nose is runny today.“

The spirit appeared..a grey spirit..with a ugly face.
I step back a little and stare at the spirit in fear 😶.

The kid,mob raise his hand and a blue aura is around his body and hand. The grey spirit screams and disappeared??

I Shaked reigen's hand while saying thank you.

”thank you very much mister Reigen! And..what's your name??” · “shigeo..“ · ”thank you shigeo!” i Shaked the kid hand.

”oh..and, here's my number! Maybe i can repay you again sometime Reigen!” Reigen gives me a warm smile and said “well,our job is finished here. Right mob?“ the kid nods and they two walk out.

To be honest..i give my number to that guy because he was hot.. ಠ⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠ಠ

I sit down at the living room and sigh. ”i'm bored.. let's play chess and makes the black one win.” after hours playing..
I finally sleep. Man,it's really a long day.. isn't it?


Wattpad give you lemons, I'm giving you mangos. 🥭🥭🥭🥭🥭


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