28 : Who is She?

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Ever since Cale left the room with Zeros leaving Roksoo with the two sleeping kittens, Roksoo has been restless. because for some unknown reason, Roksoo felt as if there was something wrong. and that something bad was going to happened. (or already happening)

"Did you hear it? Mister Ron and His son barged in here without notice and brought home that black haired commoner who beat up the young master Cale."


Roksoo who suddenly heard the gossiping of the maids from the window couldn't help but to space out for a second. processing whether she heard it right or wrong.

"I know right! I even saw heard that they demand help for the young master. tsk tsk."

"How shameless! after they left the young master and follow that commoner who almost killed him up and then suddenly shows up here demanding for help! have they got no shame?"

The maids continued to talk as Roksoo was too preoccupied with her thoughts.

The one.. who beated up Cale?.. isn't the only person who beated him up in the novel is..

"Choi Han.." Roksoo said before immediately standing up from her seat, making the chair she was previously sitting on to fall. "fuck. they're
here?" Roksoo couldn't help but frown. perhaps because she was too busy with her own 'little' happiness that she almost forgot about the protagonist.

"This is bad." Roksoo said walking back and forth, Cale needs her right now. it couldn't be help because after The Harris village massacre Choi Han had nothing in his mind other than pure rage and vengeance.

"knowing that Him and Cale wasn't it good term didn't make it easy for me.. who knows whether Cale accidentally provoke Choi Han again? and this time there will be bloodbath?.. no.. it won't happen!.. i won't let it..!"

Roksoo immediately  stormed out of the room only to be face with Geno standing infront of the door. "Miss Roksoo?"

"..Geno? what are you doing here?" The anxiousness in her face got washed away and change into a complete confusion. "That— the young master Cale told me to guard you here.. since there was some.. unwanted visitors"

'..Unwanted visitors. he must be talking about Choi Han and the molans.'

"Ah.. I see." Roksoo said. "Then pardon me, miss Roksoo but may I know where are you going?" Geno asked as The Black haired woman thought for a second before Roksoo suddenly smiled brightly at him.

"I am planning to greet out guest! no matter how much unwanted visitors they are, they are still our guest. I think that it will be very  disrespectful if I don't greet them.." Roksoo said before her smile turn into an awkward one.

Seeing Roksoo smiled awkwardly was enough to arouse pity from the purple haired male. as Geno let out a sigh. "I guess I have no other choice then.." he said before escorting Roksoo as the latter beams at him. "Don't worry! I will take care of Cale!"

As the two walked away. and went into the underground training arena. unaware that Cale came out of the other side of the hall, getting back into the now emptied room.




"It is all over now.”

Lock finally relaxed and closed his eyes after hearing the man’s words. Lock leaned on Choi Han and fainted. Choi Han carefully laid Lock back down on the stretcher.

Cale, who had been watching this, took a potion out of the bag and threw it toward Rosalyn. Rosalyn caught the potion bottle and asked. “Potions don’t work on Lock?”

Cale then looked at the woman in a way that seemed to be asking why she was saying something obvious. "Would I give a potion to someone from the wolf tribe?" it's for you. what's left unsaid. yet Cale doesn't need to say it as Rosalyn already understood him.

"Thank you very much, young master." Rosalyn said bowing at Cale as the latter only dismiss her. before leaving immediately. 'I need to see Roksoo, There's no way in hell I will let them meet her—let alone get a glimpse of her!'

"Finally that bastard left" Choi Han didn't even bothered lowering his voice as he said that making Zeros glared at him. "I know you're a commoner, but try to remember your place here."

Zeros was basically saying how Choi Han should watch his words, as this was not his place. rather Cale, the person he hates the most is the owner of it.

"Anyways, I will bring all of you the the guest room, that you will be stayin—" Zeros got cut off when a soft, and definitely feminine voice called out to him. making everyone turn and looked at the direction where it came from.

—And sure enough somehow it was worth it. in front of them, was a beautiful young lady. with wavy black hair and eyes that seems to glow like rubies. 

"Zeros?" Roksoo called out. "Miss Roksoo what are you doing here?" Zeros asked, confusion written in his face. 'Does Cale knows that you're here?..' As far as Zeros knows, Cale already planned earlier to do everything in order for them not to met Roksoo.

"That," Roksoo spoke as her smile turn into awkward one. "I heard that there was some unexpected visitor and Cale already meet up with them, so.. as his lover I thought that it will be disrespectful if I don't greet them.."

Seeing the distress looked of Roksoo made Zeros and Geno shocked, before it turn into pitying the black haired woman. "How dare they made miss Roksoo in distress..!!"

However, the so called guest where rather shocked after hearing Roksoo's words. Lover? Cale Henituse's lover? as in THAT TRASH Cale Henituse has a lover???

"Pardon me," Roksoo said before bowing gracefully at them. "My name is Kim Roksoo, as you all heard I am Cale's—AH!"

"Miss Roksoo!!"
"Choi Han!"

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