Chapter 5

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As the three girls made their way down they quieted their giggles, the library giving them a sense of solemnity and silence with its vastness. It was not as well-lit as in their time nor did it have any plants to give it a friendlier feel. It seemed a bit daunting and they drew close, hoping they would not have to wander too far to find the other three. Luckily for them, a few steps in they found them, a huge stack of books next to Rose. She was rifling through them impatiently while Scorpius and Albus were moving more slowly, obviously bored.

Rose looked up sharply as they entered but relaxed when she saw who it was. "Hi guys! I think I've found some useful stuff. Like I said, our own time is frozen until we get back. There are a lot of spells to time travel or to put on a time turner to make it go back further but I can't seem to find one to reverse it!" she said, frustrated.

"But what you discovered is great, Rose! Don't feel too bad! Now at least we know a little about our situation!" Victoire tried to encourage her. It seemed to work and Rose looked slightly happier. "Now, why don't you and I get started on the safety bracelet thing that we wanted to? The rest of them can continue looking for information," she suggested. Rose nodded but the rest groaned.

"Vic! We've been working on this way too long! We need a break!" groaned Scorpius.

"Fine, do some exercise then. We should all start doing exercise though. We're in the middle of a war!! Who knows what we might have to escape?"

"Yeah that's a very good idea. We should also work on learning more spells!" suggested Lily.

"Ok, so you lot do either one of those and Rose and I will start on the bracelets," said Victoire, turning to Rose.

As the others stood up stretching, the two girls conjured a wooden bracelet each as wood was easier to charm. They added protean charms, sticking charms, invisibility charms and a portkey charm to Potter manor. They were just about to duplicate them when Rose realised something.

"Vic, won't it look suspicious if, if they capture us, we're all wearing the same bracelets? They'll take them away for sure! Maybe each person should have something different. Like a necklace, or a ring or something."

Victoire nodded in understanding. "Yeah that's true. And we should also customise it for each person so they look really different. This is going to take longer than we thought though," she sighed. But both knew that safety was really a priority if they wanted to get back to their own time.

They decided to use the first two bracelets as their own, with Vic turning hers into a ring and Rose leaving hers as a bracelet but turning it scarlet with gold stripes. They called the others over from where they were stretching to ask them about their designs. In the end, Lily had a dark blue watch, Pandora a thin necklace. Albus got a green ring and Scorpius had a metal bracelet. Vic thought that was a great idea and made one for Teddy as well. 

They were about to take a break and see if the boys were back when they burst in loudly, with much more energy than in the morning. Everyone smiled, eager at the thought of food and rushed up the stairs. "We couldn't find much, I don't think ready made meals were as prevalent in the 90s," warned Teddy. There were only a few soups and some packets of macaroni and cheese to be heated up. It was hardly ideal breakfast food, but it would have to do. The kids eagerly lined up in front of Victoire who had served everyone mac' n cheese in bowls and was lighting fires under each of them. Teddy conjured up spoons and handed them to each person as they walked past.

Soon everyone was digging in, happy to be eating after what seemed like ages. They ate mostly in silence except when James' spoon suddenly disappeared, almost making him spill his mac' n cheese. Teddy sheepishly apologised and made another for him. When they were all done Victoire showed the boys their safety devices and asked them what designs they wanted. James ended up with a black ring, Fred a bracelet, and Hugo had another ring.

"Ok, now that that's sorted, we need to start on the disguises. Basically, here's what I've come up with," said Vic, taking the list out of her pocket.

"Teddy, you're John Smith, a muggle man with deep brown hair, hazel eyes and a medium build. I'm Sheila Smith, a half-blood witch, your wife. I have black hair, dark brown eyes, average witch, nothing eye-catching about my features.

James, you're Thomas Smith, a brother of John, Teddy. Dark brown hair, dark eyes, slightly taller than John. Fred, you're Bob Brown, brother of Sheila, me. Black-brown hair, light brown eyes, slightly shorter than average. Albus, you're Jacob Williams, second cousin of John, Teddy. You've got dark blonde hair, dark blue eyes and are of average height. Scorpius, you're Oliver Williams, Jacob's, or Albus' brother. You also have dark blonde hair, light blue eyes and are taller than average. Rose is Amber Jones, Sheila's, my cousin. You have pitch black hair, black eyes, average figure. Lily's Grace Jones, Amber's, Rose's sister. Dark black hair, dark brown eyes, average figure. Pandora, you are Audrey Jones, Amber's, Lily's sister. Brown-black hair, black eyes, average figure. Basically all of you are related to either me or Teddy, Sheila or John. You have come to visit me for my birthday. I need you guys to memorise your names and who you're related to. Teddy and I will change each of you, please stay like that for the entire time we're here, ok? I'm really sorry but we can't keep taking the glamorous on and off," said Victoire.

Everyone simply blinked at her, slightly startled by the long paragraph she had rattled off. "Um, dear, maybe you could just pass us the list? I don't think anyone really registered anything properly," said Teddy, holding back a chuckle. Vic rolled her eyes and passed him the list. As each of them took turns memorising their names, she transformed everyone into their characters. When she was done, and Teddy had morphed into John Smith, Vic made them stand in a line.

"When I point to you, tell me your name and how you're related to me or Teddy. Ready?" Pointing to Teddy she began.

"John Smith, Sheila's husband."

"Thomas Smith, John's brother."

"Bob Brown, Sheila's brother."

"George Brown, Sheila's brother."

"Jacob Williams, John's cousin."

"Oliver Williams, John's cousin."

"Amber Jones, Sheila's cousin."

"Grace Jones, Sheila's cousin."

"Audrey Jones, Sheila's cousin."

"Ok, that was great everyone! We'll do that everyday just to make sure it's second nature, but I think we should be fine! Now, remember, to call each other by your character names to get used to it, don't take off your safety bracelet thing, and don't take off the glamours!" commanded Vic. James mock saluted her while Fred shouted, "Yes Ma'am!"

Laughing, they split up into smaller groups to exercise and research. In this way, the rest of the week passed. They had established a routine of sorts. Firstly, Teddy would go out to buy food as soon as he woke up. While he was doing this, the others would exercise. By the time he got back, it would have been more than an hour and the others would have showered and gotten ready for breakfast. After eating, Vic would ensure everyone knew their character names. Then, Albus, Scorpius and Pandora, the best potioneers of the group made different potions everyday using cauldrons they had found. Mild healing, pepper-up, nausea potions and the like were very useful in case of a fight. The rest would all go to the library to research spells and ways to get back. So far, no one had found anything new on getting back, but they had added many interesting offence and defence spells to their collection. After an hour and a half of research they would teach each other anything new and practice sparring and duelling for an hour. They would then shower again and eat dinner, going to bed by 9 daily. This routine, though it took some getting used to, satisfied everyone and in this way, a week passed.

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