Chapter 28: We meet again, but this time, we're in hell.

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Witch, a class belongs to ‘Mage’ that specialized in dark magic, dark spell and dark chanting. 

That's what they discussed and I don't get the rest.

Let me sum it up.

Alfred left us with the back up team who seemed very weird, then we had a meeting for the mission.

It was Julious who opened his mouth first. His idea was to make a new skill that can dispel the unknown curse.

“Make a spell? How do you do that?” Marry asked and everyone has the same expression as her.

“By spell & skill creation.” Julious answered but it didn't help us.

“We don't know that. Skill creation is a skill of higher up, so that idea is rejected.” Nicole answered bluntly and it became silent after.

Then, Marry innocently said her plan.

“Shouldn't we.... Just need to search for the witch?”

“Yo! Correct! Then we will kill that witch yo!!”

Kill? Didn't they say that the ‘witch’ is a class, so that means that that witch is a human? Then we needed to at least —

Julious said his remarks.

“No. Negotiating would be better.”


“Then it is human vs. human I guess?” I said my mind.

Everyone was confused looking at me. Even the elders of this small village.

“Witches are illegal, so the law states it's okay to kill them. Isn't that taught in history classes?” Said Julious and everyone nodded their heads except for me.

Illegal? And it's okay to kill them? Way to heartless. Didn't Julious propose to just negotiate first?

“I don't know about witches or this world. Seriously, why did this quest get complicated anyways.” I silently ranted.

A lot of talk happened. Then, the mission was all set and the meeting was finished.

We had to wait until the night came, so we prepared many things.

As for me, I kept summoning the Zodiac Twins but nothing came out. 

I was exhausted at the end so I took a rest and again, I don't know why this kept happening, but I ended up inside the ‘World of Puppets’.

‘I must really be exhausted too much that I ended up inside this skill.’ I complained inside my head looking at the same black sky and green surroundings.

‘World of Puppets’— A storage place for me and my puppets. I don't know why my consciousness always got sucked up by this skill.

In this world, everything is in my will, but my other skill like my eye won't work.

I only had the chance to visit this skill only when I sleep, so why don't I do some sightseeing in this world?

—And so, that's what happened. I walked a lot and found a girl playing with a huge slime.

I was surprised to see Sebris joyfully jumping with my puppet slime from afar.

‘Should I say hi to them? No, it would be awkward.’ So I didn't mind them and let their jumping business continue.

Next, a human puppet with a short sword was practicing some swordsmanship. 

I don't remember it, but I think he's Haruke? Unlike Sebris, his whole body, which is a puppet, was made by me since I sliced his original human body with my ‘String Annihilation’. He still looks like a human being in terms of appearance.

I showed myself in front of him. Although he was surprised, he bowed his head to me. He didn't hold a grudge against me though since I erased his memories.

Actually, In Sebris’ case, she had a human body because I forced my skill to make it for her. It took half of my mana that time, that's why I collapsed.

But nevertheless, I only received half of Sebris’ soul because Marry took the other half. I don't know if she knows though.

And then, the last one, I think maybe the second to the last. I saw Staz trying to activate his ultimate skill, Ares.

I swallowed him up whole with his original body and dominated his soul, but he's still as stubborn as before.

“Nice to meet you again, Staz.” I greeted and his eyes widened with anger looking at me showing up.

“You! Wh-where I am!!?”

“Where do you think? This is hell of course.” I replied, laughing uncontrollably. 

It has been too long since I haven't laughed like this.

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