Chapter 42: The right judgement

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I still don't know what PseudoChristos is so I'm taking my time. I was waiting for it to disappear, but it didn't go away.

What is this PseudoChristos? I don't want to press ‘Yes’ or say it cause I feel that I'll transform into something alien and I'm scared.

And so I waited.

I was standing in front of them all as if they were all waiting for me to explain something.

I couldn't use any magic since ‘Restrain’— a chain was still on both of my hands.

Although I can destroy it because all my skills were ‘Pure’ type and escape, I'm afraid the saintess will cut my neck using her huge scissors.

‘Soul Domination’ also won't work here because all the people in here have some weird unknown resistance.

I had no choice but just to stand and listen like some convicts. 

There were three judges. All with a serious dead face. One from the government, one was also from the church, and the last one was from the guild.

I'm not a criminal! I totally defeated the witch to avoid harm! Why are they trying to make me look like a criminal huhu. I'm just a kid...

And so, the case inside the courthouse has commenced.

The first scenario happened. I was confused and it feels like they see through me.

【 First case proven guilty: Felony  】

Way back when I first stepped inside the capital, I had no money so I crafted some coins with my Azazel— that was it. Using counterfeit is a crime that deserves a prison sentence.

And it didn't last here.

【 Second case proven guilty: Law Violation 】

“Controlling the minds of the people is a crime. Using offensive magic while inside the capital is restricted.” A man was talking to everyone in front of me. He was like a lawyer, but not on my side. He possessed the same level as me.

“Not to mention you dominated the souls and controlled the guards of the capital’s gate.” He added.

H-how do they know this? This is bad. I'm being reckless. Who could have thought they were planning for this? Did I get baited?

Your honor, I'm still a kid!!

“Controlling the souls and minds of even more police officers. What can you say, miss puppeteer?”

He then looked at me. It was awkward. I couldn't open my mouth.

“See? No testimony.”

【 Third case proven guilty: Stealing 】

I was left aghast when I heard him accusing me of theft. I didn't steal not even a single thing. So I waited for an explanation.

“Listening now, the saintess.” The lawyer said, gesturing to look at the saint and the saintess stood up as well. “The saintess said that this puppeteer has an angelic ultimate skill.”

“Yes.” The saintess answered, nodding.

Everyone sure is listening to us, even the judge was looking at me fiercely.

“Can you tell us what is that angelic ultimate skill, miss defender?”

“Ah, That is, Angel of Peace, (Chamuel).”

The man who asked me rose one of his eyebrows, couldn't believe what I just said.

“You admit that crime easily?”

“What do you mean?”

Crime? Is possessing this skill a crime? I don't get what he was referring to.

“A week ago, the scroll of peace that was sent from the country of Apollo was stolen.”

“Are you implying that I stole that scroll?”

“What else? Can you defend yourself?”

So I explained myself to them, to the whole court. I said that I was just a girl who used a defense mechanism when I was almost being sold by two barbarians and thus I opened a parchment then I suddenly obtained the angelic ultimate skill.

Everyone couldn't believe it. After all, it sounded like a lie even to me.

“No lies detected.” The saintess said.

The whole courthouse was still silent. Then, the saintess opened her mouth once more.

“You said that you killed the two people who attacked you, then why did you have around 80 souls inside of you? Can you explain?”

She just added fuel to the fire. Like adding some salt on a wound.

80 souls? That way too many....

But... She's right. I checked myself and found that I have 86 souls stored inside my ‘Lucifer’.

I didn't even know I accumulated this much soul. That could mean...?

No. That cannot be.

I was starting to sweat looking at everyone who stared as if they're piercing their eyes on me.

“So, how did the mission end up? Did you kill the village people or just collect some souls from other people?”

With that, I can say that the judges have already made their verdict.

“No answer received.”

【 Fourth case proven guilty: Mass Homicide 】

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