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Details: 782 words. Nightmare while on Facetime.

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Tyler was snoozing peacefully. Life was finally looking up. While he was in "Outcast Rehab", he was able to learn how to control his Hyde enough to step back out into society. Nevermore Academy had pardoned him on behalf of his manipulation by Laurel Gates and decided to make an exception for him to attend the school. He was able to see Wednesday every day and even her friends were starting to forgive him.

Tyler's bliss was suddenly interrupted by a loud thump and a whimper.

"Wha–?" He yelled out, bolting upright in his bed.

He heard another soft cry and turned towards his phone laying next to his pillow. He and Wednesday had been talking on Facetime before they both fell asleep.

Wednesday seemed to be having a pretty nasty nightmare. She was whipping her head back and forth so hard she'd definitely have a headache in the morning. Her hands were gripping her braids for dear life and her knuckles had gone even whiter than usual. If Tyler squinted, he could almost see tears glistening on her eyelashes.

"Wednesday!" he yelled. "Wake up, it's just a nightmare!"

She didn't wake up, and it didn't seem like she'd calm down on her own anytime soon. With how hard she was thrashing, Tyler was worried she'd throw herself off the bed and get hurt.

"Hold on, Wednesday. I'm coming."

Tyler grabbed his phone and threw on a sweatshirt. He ran to the door and whipped it open, running through the halls to reach Wednesday's room. Normally, it'd take him way longer to get there, but he was sprinting with all his might. He couldn't let Wednesday hurt herself.

Finally reaching his destination, Tyler gripped the doorknob and pulled.

Inside, Wednesday was still tossing and turning in bed. Enid was standing nearby looking incredibly stressed. When Tyler walked in, she jumped.

"What are you doing here?" Enid said.

"We were on Facetime, she woke me up." Tyler walked over to Wednesday and reached out to pull her hands off her hair.

"I've tried everything, but she just won't wake up! I even pinched her!"

Tyler sat down next to Wednesday. Once he had gotten her hands free, he held them and rubbed small circles on her palms. Almost immediately, she stopped thrashing around, but her eyes were still scrunched in fear and pain.

"Wednesday, wake up," Tyler whispered as he released one of her hands to hold her cheek.

Wednesday's eyes slowly began to soften until they popped open dramatically. She bolted upright and darted her eyes around the room. Her breathing was erratic and heavy and her hands were shaking.

"Hey, Wednesday. It's okay. I'm right here. It was just a nightmare."

She looked at him, but her eyes were still glazed over and not entirely there.

"Not the good kind," he chuckled.

Enid let out a long breath and held her hand to her chest. It was clear neither girl had been sleeping well lately if Enid's dark eyebags were any say. The wolf made her way back to her own bed to settle back in and hopefully sleep uninterrupted.

Tyler sat with Wednesday until she stopped shaking and seemed to come back to reality.

"Are you feeling better?" he asked.


"You think you'll be able to fall back asleep?" Wednesday didn't answer, just looked down at her lap with a crease between her brows.

"Okay..." Tyler started again. "Well I should be getting back to my own room."

He began getting up from the bed, releasing her hand in the process. As he turned towards the door, he felt a grip on his wrist, strong enough to break bone. It yanked him back towards Wednesday in one fluid motion.

As he fell backwards to sit back down, he gave Wednesday a confused look. She was staring at him through her bangs.

"Stay," she said, quiet as a mouse.

"What was that?" The corners of Tyler's mouth quirked up in a hint of a smile. He cocked his head to the side.

"I said stay." Wednesday gave him a glare hard enough to rival the Devil.

Tyler's sticky sweet smile lit up his face as he gave Wednesday's hand a soft squeeze.

"Of course, baby."

"Don't call me that," Wednesday groaned, rolling her eyes and scooching over to give Tyler room. Tyler crawled under the covers and held his arms out for Wednesday to move in.

"Would you prefer my love?" Wednesday gave him a hard flick on the cheek.

"Don't push it."

𝐗𝐕. 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐋 ; wedler 。Where stories live. Discover now