11. Kellin Quinn

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"LA LA LA LAA LAAAAAAA," Kellin sang as he skipped circles around my chair, acting like a god damn 4 year old as he warmed up. i just fiddled on my phone, trying to ignore the constant attempts to tickle and annoy me.

"Meeeeee aammmoreeeeee, AAAAIIIMEEEEEE." He sang in his crazy vocal run, placing his hands on my arms rests so he was leaning over me, a goofy grin plastered on his face.

i looked up at him, cocking an eyebrow up as i crossed my arms, "Who's Aimee, Kellin?"

"It's the french way to say, Ally, duh. You of all people should know that," He joked, planting a small kiss on my lips.

I pushed him away and laughed, "finish warming up, you dork."

You see, a few years back, Kellin and I were set up on a blind date... on which he was so nervous he flubbed and called me Aimee instead of Ally. Every time I was 'mad' at him, or we were in the middle of a dumb fight, he would call me Aimee... and every time it instantly snapped me out of any bad mood in any situation because of the memory of our perfect first date.

I've been on this tour for a week. After not being together for 3 months,  I decided to surprise Kellin at a show in Virginia Beach. I was planning on heading back to Medford the next day, but my plane ticket mysteriously got cancelled and an all access pass showed up on my pillow over night. So now here I am a week later, sitting in the green room of Radio City Music hall in New York, watching my dumb boyfriend singing to himself in the mirror while combing his hair.

To say I wasn't hot and bothered right now, would be a lie. All i wanted to do was run my hands through that hair of his, grab onto it and, do naughty things... I've been here a god damn week and he's treating me like some sacred virgin. We've held hands, we've cuddled, we sleep in the same bunk... but as soon as one of my hands trails too close to his waistline, he pushes my hand away, rolls over to face away from me, and falls asleep right then and there. What. The. Hell. Man?

Of course it had me worried... But irritated is a more accurate work for how I'm feeling.

i looked up from my phone only to see Kellin on Jesse's back, riding him around like a dang horse. 

"Kellin, Get down before you hurt something!" Their tour manager yelled as she walked by the open doorway.

He should be hurting my thigh muscles, if you know what I mean...

I heard someone cough and looked up to see Lindsey, Justin's Fiancé standing over me with a beer in her hand, holding it out towards me.

I smiled and took the much needed alcohol, "thanks Linds." I smiled and took a sip, looking back to my boyfriend, trying to figure out Kellin's issue with the whole 'sex' thing.

"You look like you're thinking too hard," Lindsey laughed, nudging my shoulder, "Whatcha thinkin about, kid?"

I looked at her and let out a small laugh. I could tell Lindsey anything... Besides, she's the one who set up Kellin and I's blind date almost 2 years ago.

"So... Kellin is acting strange, like he's not acting like a normal Kellin when we're alone together... If you catch my drift." I spoke quietly, the boys were in their group huddle before they headed on stage, chanting random shit that made sense to no one.

"Ah," Lindsey just nodded and took a sip of her drink, looking at her phone.

That's not the Lindsey I know. The Lindsey I know would have a mountain to say on any subject. No matter how absurd.

She knows something I don't.

"What do you know that I don't?" I set down my beer on the coffee table and raised an eyebrow at her.

She looked at me and shook her head, "nothing, nothing." She said a little too quickly, downing her beer and threw the cup away, "let's go get our seats, yeah?" She nodded, grabbing my wrist and yanked me out the door and started to follow the boys to the stage.

"Oh no no no.." I pulled back, making her release my wrist and stumble a step or two in her stiletto heels, "what's going on with Kellin that I don't know about?" I demanded and sat back on my hip, crossing my arms.

Lindsey pursed her lips and sighed, "I'm not supposed to tell anyone, but Nick and Jack told Kellin that he couldn't go a solid 2 weeks without having sex with you... Which I totally under stand why... You're hot as hell." She laughed and nodded. "Being the hard-head Kellin is, they made a bet that he couldn't keep, although he said he could... Keep in mind they were completely wasted when they made this bet... But yeah, that's why your boyfriend went from Mr. Handsy to Mr. Hands-Off."

It all made sense now.

A smirk rose across my face, looking away and then back to Lindsey.

"I'm gonna make him lose that bet tonight." I nodded and stalked off to the gate that separated the crowd from the back-stage.


After the show, all of us decided to go out to an underground club in Times Square. I was leaning against Kellin in a corner booth as the guys were talking about what they could do to improve their show.

I looked out to the dance floor, grinning wildly as one of my favorite songs came on. I knew Kellin's weakness too... and dancing with him was possibly the most sure fire way to get him to break the bet.

"Kell, let's go dance," I grinned, tugging slightly on his shirt. He raised an eyebrow, and gave me his sly little smirk. "Ok--"

"Ahem," Jack coughed, looking at Kellin.

"I uhm, not right now babe... Go dance with Lindsey?" Kellin shrugged, sinking back into his seat.

I smirked a little, sliding out of the booth and headed to the dance floor with Lindsey following close behind and of course with Justin hot at her heels. 

"So I heard you want to break that little bet between Nick, Jack and Kellin, eh?" Justin laughed, sliding his arm around Lindsey.

"Trying to." I gave a slight nod, looking around the dance floor,

"We'll dance with some other guy, you know that gets him jealous."

"Oh trust me, that I know," I smirked wildly, going over to Devin Oliver (he was on the tour as well... So hey, why not), not to mention Devin has been my friend since we were back in grade school.

"you. Dance with me now." I stated more than asked, taking his hand and dragged him to a spot where Kellin was on full view.

"Whoa whoa Alligator, slow down there... why such a hurry?"

I sighed and turned to face him, whispering my situation and my plan in his ear.

"Ah, say no more," Devin grinned wildly, grabbing my waist as we started facing the dirtiest we could without it being too in-a-pro-pro.


I pursed my lips trying to not watch what was going on on the the dance floor, but how could I ignore it? My girl was dancing with some other guy I couldn't make out to see who in fact it was.

Ugh. STUPID HORMONES. All I want to do is pin her down rip that tiny dress on her body to shreads an-

"KELLIN!" Justin smacked me straight across the face, I looked at him wide eyed, the anger coursing though my veins.

"Either you've got a hedgehog in you jeans or you're wanting something right now." The conniving smirk came across his face, with a nod.

I paused.

Fuck this bet.

I pushed my way out of the booth, stomping over to Ally and whoever this guy was who had his hands all over my girl.

I grabbed onto his shirt collar, yanking him backwards, "get your hands off my girl,"I barked.

Not even looking at who I just basically threw to the ground as I grabbed onto Ally's waist, throwing her over my shoulder and headed for the bus.

"Kellin what are you doing!?" She wiggled but I kept my hold tight.

"What I should have done a damn week ago," I growled, setting her down next to the door as I punched in the key code.

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