3. Tino Arteaga

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"Babe... babbbeee..."

"Yes babe?"

"I miss you." I told my husband of exactly one year tomorrow, Tino Arteaga... yep.. I am Mrs. Lauren Louise Arteaga.

"i miss you more than words can even begin to describe baby-girl... I wish I could be there with you today."

I sighed at his words as I remembered that its was technically our anniversary over there already. I propped my head up on my arm as I laid on my stomach on our bed. "i wish you could be too, you snuggly little shit." I laughed, seeing him grin and chuckle at my words made me want to jump through the screen and just cuddle the shit out of him. But he was all the way in freakin Thailand while I was still in the middle of freakin Chula Vista.

"you're really beautiful you know that right?" Tino said with a smile, touching his hand to his screen as I did the same with a smile, "i love you more than words can say baby"

"Same to you too Handsome." I grinned, looking at the clock beside my bed that had now just hit midnight, signaling that our Anniversary had just begun.. here in the states at least.

"Hey LoLo.."

"Yes Tino?"

"Happy Anniversary.." he grinned, holding up a

"Happy Anniversary, Baby... I love you." I smiled, blowing him a kiss to which he caught and put it on his lips

I grinned as we talked for about another 15 minutes before I was hit with a yawn-attack,

"go to sleep babe.. I know it's past your bed time." he winked with a laugh.

I laughed and shook my head, knowing he was right... but I stayed awake so I could say those 6 words to him before I passed out.

Blowing another kiss to him I put my hand to the screen "I love you, goodnight babe."

"Goodnight Beautiful" Tino grinned as he put his hand to the screen as well and shut his laptop down. I sighed and closed the top of my laptop, pushing it to where Tino would be sleeping, but instead my bed was cold and lonely. I laid in bed for what felt like forever before I finally fell asleep with the sound of the palm trees swaying against the glass on my window.



I jolted awake to the sound of something crashing to the ground. I held my heart that was racing like crazy.


my eyes went wide as I heard a man talk inside my house. Im going to die.

I double locked all the doors at night... and all the windows were shut tight with a magnetic alarm on them...

Tino had called me crazy for installing the alarms on the window but honestly, I grew up in a small town where nothing happened, so moving to Chula Vista to be with Tino scared the shit out of me.

And now he couldn't call me crazy because there is a freaking Murderer in the house!

Another glass broke and another curse word came as I heard the person going through the kitchen drawers in the kitchen. I could tell they were trying to be quiet, but they were failing so badly.

I stayed still in my bed, hearing the man rummage around the rest of the house, not even bothering to come upstairs to see if the house was occupied.

Against my better judgement, I grabbed Tino's baseball bat from his closet, holding it in a read-to-swing position as I tip-toed out into the hallway, making my way to down the staircase as quietly as I could on the creaky hardwood floors, thankfully not having a problem due to my tiny ness, 5'6'', 120 pounds and rockin' it.

The guy who broke into my house started humming as he entered the Living room form the kitchen, he was wearing a black and grey flannel shirt, and a black beanie, his face being hidden because of the obvious lack of lights, the only thing lit were White candles all over the living room.


"Who are you and what are you doing in my house!?" I growled, inching more towards the man. "how did you get in here!?" yelling because of the panic mode I was in... I seriously didn't feel like dying today.

The man jumped and flipped around, but I was already, mid-swing, aiming for his leg but the guy grabbed the bat in its course. Oh shit someonesgonnadietonight.... and thats me.

The man looked up at me into my eyes, being those same brown one I haven't seen in the past 3 months.

I widened my eyes and dropped the bat to the ground, letting it bounce a few times before I took a giant jump and wrapped myself around my husband.

"TINO!" I yelled, squeezing the living daylights out of him.

His laugh filled the room as he hugged me back "LAUREN!" he mocked, spinning me around before setting me to my feet again. I cupped his face and kissed him as we waddled backwards to towards the back of the couch.

He laughed and held me close, looking over at the baseball bat that had fallen next to his suitcase "wait... we're you really going to bludgen me with a bat??"

"What was I supposed to do! I though a murderer broke into the house!" I retaliated.

"Hun, I don't think the most skilled FBI agent could get into this house with those windows and your locks.." he joked, rolling his eyes.

"yeah yeah yeah, whatever.." I shook my head. "But what are you doing here?! I thought you were in Thailand."

"I was planning on surprising you all along... I was in Phoenix when I was face-timing you."

"But the Thai decor-"

"Airport Thai Restaurant."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him "i love you so much."

"I love you too, Happy one year anniversary baby." he smiled, kissing me as I moved my hands to his chest and snapped a picture with his phone

'@TinoTino: One year with the most amazing woman i've ever had in my life. Here's to many many many more years of adventures <3 I Love You, LoLo.'

I grinned and held him close "i look like shit in that photo."

"you always look perfect babe. And oh so hot.. " he grinned.

A smirky grin danced across my face as I pushed on his chest, making him fall back onto the couch, "oh really now?" I asked as I slid over him, straddling his hips and my hands on his chest.

"y-yes.." He smirked, grabbing my hips and held me there as I kissed down his neck.


next thing I knew all of our clothes were on the floor or behind the couch. But honestly I didn't care, I was in the arms of the man I loved, on our first anniversary.

He kissed behind my ear, making me flinch and laugh because it tickled.

I reached down and picked out the flannel he was wearing before and tied it around my body as he pulled a pair of his basketball shorts on.

He smirked and wrapped his arms around me once again, falling back onto the couch, pulling me with him so I landed on his chest.

I laughed and kissed him "When do you have to go back?" I asked as I cuddled to his side, drawing circles on his still-bare chest.

"Tomorrow morning..." he sighed, pushing his hand through my hair to move it out of my face.

"Oh.." I nodded, it was nothing I wasn't used to with us having been together for 4 years and all it was just knowing that they had 3 more months on this over seas tour.. three more months without nights like these.

"And guess who has a plane ticket back with me and an All-Access pass with her name on it already printed..." Tino grinned, tightening his arms around my waist.

"No way..."


I squealed and hugged him tight, making him laugh,

"i'll take that as a yes."

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