Growing feelings

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Paul: Tonight was a fun show, Mike.

Michael: Thanks, dad.

Paul: I mean seriously, I was laughing my ass off when you were being chased by Ronda around the arena.

Michael: I figured that.

Paul: Oh, my favorite part was when you were hiding under the desk with a soldier helmet and holding a toy gun while shaking. That image is such a riot.

Michael: I know right? Alex called me and I can hear him trying to calm down but was still laughing.

Paul: So, what's this thing you have planned for Ronda? Are you gonna have you and her be like a pair or something?

Michael: I was thinking of it as I'm the Jokester and she's the straight woman, kinda like you, Uncle Shawn, and Aunt Chyna were in the early DX days.

Paul: I see. know that could be an interesting idea. I can honestly expect her to nearly break character from your antics.

Michael: I mean, I am kinda notorious for nearly having everyone break character.

Paul: Yep. Anyway, I think it could help Ronda's career as she does look pretty stale but people seemed to like her when you two are together.

Michael: I agree. Plus, I plan on changing the Tag Titles to look both prestigious and yet still modern.

Paul: I see. Well, the video on our YouTube channel with you revealing the new Universal and Women's Championship did have the most likes I've seen, so I can expect praise for these titles.

Michael: True. Anyway, I'm going to my hotel room.

Paul: Alright. Goodnight, son. See you when you can.

Michael: You too, dad. See ya.

Paul and Michael went to their separate ways.

*with Ronda*

Natalie: That chase seen with you and Michael was hilarious, Ronda.

Ronda: I know, right? When he asked me about it, I was surprised and I told him "No way. I don't wanna hurt you." He insisted and I relented.

Natalie: I mean, who wouldn't relent? He has that kind of effect on everyone. Only Vince, I'm sure about that.

Ronda: Yeah. He's the only one I know who wouldn't listen to him.

Natalie: plus, I know several former wrestlers who left WWE either on good terms or not still have a friendly relationship with Michael.

Ronda: Because he's always looking out for them and doesn't make them feel unappreciated.

Natalie: Yeah. That's why he was treated well when he went to TNA years ago.

Ronda: True. He's such a sweet guy.

Natalie: Indeed. It was always a joke that out of all the McMahons, Michael's the Saint out of all of them, but at the same time, he can be as devilish and funny as well.

Ronda: True. You just can not unlove-unlike someone like him.

Natalie: *confused* Are you alright?

Ronda: Y-yeah. Just a slip of the tongue.

Natalie: Are you sure? Because-

Ronda: I'm fine, Nat. It's okay.

Natalie: Okay. Just want to make sure. See you, next week.

Ronda: Yeah. See ya, Nat.

Nat walks off as Ronda leaves. While she walks, she starts thinking of the chase between her and Michael, and couldn't help but chuckle at it all. Especially when she pulled Michael back under the ring. She then starts blushing at the thought of feeling him against her.

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