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After dinner Caesar goes in a hut where his father Cornelius  waits for him watching the view of the colony.

"Father" he said clearly. "I know I went overboard again but I promise it won't happen again."

Cornelius turns to face his son and walks up to him "I know you crave excitement" his father signed "but you have to learn to be more careful on what you do. You almost got ran over by the heard"

"I know" he signed raising his sand out for forgiveness as his father stroked it.

Cornelius put his hand on his sons shoulder "I'm trying to do what's best for you. You are next in line to take over the colony and I want you to be ready when time comes." He said clearly before signing "Remember you are named after the greatest apes that freed us. You have your grandfathers spirit keep that in your heart no matter what path you take."

Caesar would do anything to protect his colony and the people he loves and cares about.

Later ceasar went to see his sister who was lying down on her bed as she wakes up to see her older brother laying beside her.

"My vi" Caesar signed his sister's nickname. "Sorry I woke you"

"It's fine" she signed. "What did father say?"

"Nothing important" he said. "Just about me leading colony"

"I bet you would do great" violet signed. "I will always support you no matter what big brother"

Both Caesar II and his sister viola were very close

Caesar smiles at his sister before rubbing her head "thanks sis now go back to sleep now" he signed before putting her back to sleep and leaving the hut to the fire where his best friends.

River and hades were just sitting by the fire when they noticed Caesar was coming.

"How was it?" River signed.

"All the same" Caesar say clearly.

"Your father didn't punish you?" Hades signs jokingly causing Caesar to playfully hit him. "Come on you're gonna take your fathers footsteps it's a huge step for you"

"I know" Caesar signed "but, I don't want him to expect me to be like his father which is something I'm not"

He knew his grandfather was the greatest as they all say even though he died when his father Cornelius was only two when he also lost his mother and brother.

Caesar II once wonder what his uncle blue eyes or his grandfather would say to him. Tell him the rights and wrongs and what path he should choose.

Then out of nowhere the apes looked up and saw a bright star falling from the sky and hitting the ground not far from the apes.

Which got all the ape's attention on what just happened.

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