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After talking a bit with the raspy voiced woman Slowly the class comes back from lunch sadly that means me and lesso can't chat anymore.

'Alright class! Next lesson is about Medusa! A female greek god many people adore or hate! She was quite evil but also very misunderstood.' She knows exactly what she is doing and I don't know if its either a good idea or a very bad one.

'Medusa was seduced by Neptune (Poseidon) in a temple to Minerva (Athena), and in revenge, Minerva turned Medusa's beautiful head of hair into snakes. As she was both mortal and had the ability to turn men to stone, Perseus was sent to cut off her head.'

I kinda like this lesson I might learn something.

'Medusa was raped by neptune (Poseidon) which many say she got pregnant by but Many think it's just a theory that did not happen, Some people may have a medusa tattoo to represent the symbol of being a sexual assault survivor.'

Dot raises her hand 'Miss Does medusa have any other specific powers?'

Lesso nods 'yes she did, she had Human strength, speed and durability! And everytime she bled her blood would become big snakes that are very poisonous,' I can feel some eyes turning towards me, lesso please just, shut . up.

'Also she had inhuman beauty despice her old age she looked like a newborn baby!'

As the lesson keeps on going I can't help but ask a question a bit out of subject because it won't leave my head, 'If she did indeed get pregnant by poseidon would the child have both the powers?'

'That would be realistic yes.'

I can't stop but thinking about it, I can move water like poseidon, and I'm medusa's daughter, am I also poseidons daughter?.. I try my best not to zone out remebering lesso's words but its hard cus the rest of the lesson is borringggg. I shake my head a few times to stop the zoning out and It pretty much worked till the last few minutes. 'Class dismissed!' This time luckily lesso didn't mention the fact I needed to stay but I wanted to I have many questions.

'Hey lillian you can leave if you want you were pretty behaved in class'

'I know but I have a few questions about the lesson.' Lesso looks at me waiting for my question 'When was medusa raped by poseidon?' Lesso look at me confused 'more then 100 years ago. And before you ask since medusa was cursed pregnancy too quite a bit more time then 9 months.' I brainstorm for just a few minutes 'I had water powers lesso that is not part of medusa's powers, it's poseidons.' Lesso looks at me and raises a eyebrow 'I didn't even notice oh my.' Lesso sits down to brainstorm with me.

'How much more time would medusa take to give birth?'

'Gosh I have idea lillian I just know cursed poeple can take upto decades or even more to give birth but I don't know any details.'

I sigh 'maybe it's coincidence I mean maybe you created your own powers? Besides the medusa powers?'

'I guess that is quite a good theory to be honest'

Lesso an I decide to leave it by that and I go downstairs to grab food an quickly hide myself somewhere again. 'Hey lill!' Lesso walks up to me 'sorry to disturb your break but do you have a minute?'

'Yeah sure what is it?'

'Okay so I was just reading some more and I have a question, can you shapeshift?' I look confused at lesso

'Not as far as I'm aware why?'

'No reason, Could you maybe try it sometime?' I nod and lesso walks away again and I continue eating my food hoping not to be disturbed

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