last chance

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I was currently preparing my things to go at the event earlier.

I will never regretting every single decisions I made. It was for me though

Without regretting and meet Treasure is the only best decisions I've ever made despite being selfless.

When I arrived to the venue there's a lot of Teume taking pictures together.

So I almost prepare my ticket but I realized that it was missing!

What a sad day, I only have a one last chance to meet Treasure but the world is too cruel! I even sacrifice and Risk my life to arrived here but....

I also realized that Jina's Cousin stole my Ticket.

So the paper she was burning is my ticket?

I loose everything!

I almost give up everything here infront of the venue when a boy spoke to me.

"Hi, Teume right? Do you have a ticket? But it's seems you haven't." He remarked, I just nodded every single word he mentioned.

"This! Take this! My Girlfriend can't come so you can have her ticket, since you're here." He gave the extra ticket he has.

"My ticket got stolen and burn by my friends." I sadly stated.

"Remember the difference from real friends and best friends, not all real friends are best friends." He stated and enter the venue.

After hearing his words I realized that, Teumes and Treasure is the only family, Friends and Everything I have.

"Attention to all Treasure makers! Please be ready and prepare your merches, lightsticks, albums, and other things that you want to sign with Treasure." The announcer announced.

I prepared my album and took a picture in every corner in this venue for my memories.

The event haven't started yet, but my eyes are getting blurry and I can't breath also m-my heart is aching  and hurt to much.

Few hours my situation is getting harder and the events is already started.

So I stood up into a long line even my situation is worse.

My first Signiture starts with Hyunsuk Oppa, I know he noticed that I'm not feeling well but I used to smile so he can forget about it.

Until I was currently infront of my Bias and he was very worried.

"Do you feel unwell?" Haruto Oppa asked with concerned face.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me, Oppa." I unexpectedly gave him my Diary and polaroid picture which I took a picture with a diamond sign beside on a comeback song title MyTreasure.

After a conversation with my Bias I went to the last which is Junghwan.

"Teume? Are you okay?" He asked with a worried face.

"I'm fine— arghh!" I yelled because my heart is aching to much."

"A-Are you okay?" Junghwan asked loudly  as his Hyungs look at him.

"I'm fine, I don't want to ruin this special day of my home and Savior. Treasure, Thank you for saving me everytime I wan to give up, surrender, and diē without any reason." For the last time I flashed a smile.

And as I was standing I look at them, and wave to them, preciously.

Then, I fell to the ground to make them goes to my place.

"Seeing my Treasure at the screen is enough, but I can't believe that I saw you in person and thank you for being part of my Life." After that everything went black.

To be continued...


written by skyblueg4laxy

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