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Haruto's pov

I can't move on what happened earlier.

Actually we're heading to our company after the event.

f l a s h b a c k

The girl who I asked if she's okay, fainted.
I don't know but I got worried, yes because she's our/my Teume.

So we rush to her.

I can't believe that even her heart is dying but she still managed to smile to us and thank us to be part of her Life, which made me teary.

Jihoon Hyung check her pulse and give us a sad face after checking it.

Her heart stopped, Why did she did this? She's our Teume! Why did she choose to left us? I bet she's tired of something that hurts her feelings a lot?

The stuff took care of her. I hope she rest in peace.

e n d o f f l a s h b a c k

After remembering that tragedy, I took the diary she give.

I opened it and every words written and pictures are connected to us.

But the last words and Pictures, the picture she took at the Diamond sign while the words are "even God is so cruel to me, I still thank him because he let me meet Treasure which will be my Treasure until my very next life, I love you my Treasure."  Into the very last page of her diary There's a stolen photo of mine that taken at the event.

After checking her diary, I took the polaroid picture she also gave to me.

At the back of polaroid photo her name was written on it heeyeol  and the words will always be with Treasure.


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