Act 2: bayonetta of shinjuku?! jealous mommy

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Y/n's pov:

While riding on fenrir's back to escape a big ass homunculi fish thing what it looks like im in place call shinkuju or whatever its called, but right now I NEED TO GET THE HELL AWAY FROM THAT THING!!!

Y/n: can you go any faster fenrir?!- says while cutting incoming homunculi enemies with one hand-

Fenrir: master im go as best i can but it seems those creatures may be on my same speed, even if i go faster they can either catch up or ambush us- says it now running through the buildings and jumps on there heads -

Fenrir continue its best to dodge but they impale him which i was just flying cartoon style which crash on the ground but i use my metal arm but hurts but i saw fenrir vanish to recover its injury.

Y/n: damn, those bastards can be just a pain in the matter- gets up and checks my arm- hm..- then looks at the city - better find that so call chaos gears that viola girl mention- sighs and begins to explore searching for that gear-

As i explore, i keep encountering those bastards again and again but also collect stuffs and do challenges to get halos and stuffs but encounter a what it seems some classic music construction but the disk produce scratches which i have make an annyoing look.

Y/n: god why hasn't nobody come here and fix it? - sighs and flips the disk properly then play it -

Y/n: there ya go now then better keep going and...huh a catchy sound

????: well thats perfect, welcome to the gates of hell buddy

????: well thats perfect, welcome to the gates of hell buddy

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Y/n: ...where am i?

Rodin: like i say, welcome to hells gate, don't worry your not dead, think of it as personal heaven

Y/n: ohh...nice, actually its a nice bar - looks around - so uh how did i...get here?

Rodin: the disk you flip, it teleport you here, also something caught my interest seeing you kid, its more...demonic.

Y/n: oh, so you notice it, and it seems your no ordinary demon- says it looking at the dude -

Rodin: names Rodin, it seems the homunculi got you difficult from being a different to fight with just your sword and gun, also notice you pet fenrir.

Y/n: yeah? What about fenrir? He got impale and now his resting- says crossing my arms looking at figure-

Rodin: well he did give me his fang which turn into this- pulls out a big sword chainsaw- says it should aid you.

Rodin: well he did give me his fang which turn into this- pulls out a big sword chainsaw- says it should aid you

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Y/n- whistle and grabs the sword which suddently a tattoo appear on my hand - huh?

Rodin: huh, it seems that you can use the demon slave spell like bayonetta, and also tap into there powers to lets say "change forms".

Y/n: huh? Whats that gonna-...huh?

I blink few times now realise return to surfaces already surrounded by enemies, but then a yo-yo weapon kill few of them and saw a woman who some reason feel familiar to me.

????: dear what are you doing? Getting distracted and whats with that outfit Y/n loved.

Y/n: huh? Bayo...netta?

Bayonetta (B1): who else Y/n dear, how did you survive? I saw you die when those things appear

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Bayonetta (B1): who else Y/n dear, how did you survive? I saw you die when those things appear.

Y/n: ...what? I think we should talk about this AFTER this guys are gone?!- says swings my new sword and rip one of homunculi in half-

Bayonetta (B1): hmph rude as always but i like this new you- says while transforms -

Y/n: huh!? YOU CAN DO THAT!!!??

Bayonetta(B1): well of course dear, have you forgot about when using your weapon that also access your demons ability's?- says while fighting-

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Bayonetta(B1): well of course dear, have you forgot about when using your weapon that also access your demons ability's?- says while fighting-

Y/n: uhh and how- i was cut off because of my mark glow showing me a version of me of shinjuku transform into a demon by focus its mark and release to transform which i did that and my body begin to change at same time i howl releasing a devastated wave-

Y/n: uhh and how- i was cut off because of my mark glow showing me a version of me of shinjuku transform into a demon by focus its mark and release to transform which i did that and my body begin to change at same time i howl releasing a devastate...

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Y/n(Demon form feat.fenrir)

Y/n(demon form): WOW!!! SO MUCH POWER!! And why i have a chainsaw in my matter lets ripped and tear!!!- launch myself and slash few homunculi in half-

Bayonetta(B1): fufu~ having fun? After all you were mine once..~

- some part of shinjuku-

Bayonetta:- sneeze and looks around- why do i feel like someone is stealing my pet? But same time mine own pet? - confuse and keeps searching that chaos gear-

Act 2 end

Next time: ¿Y/n&Bayonettas?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2022 ⏰

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