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“Wai, Fuse! We are leaving right now for work! Behave and do not trouble the servants or each other!“ Brinda yelled from the door.

Fuse got out of his room and peeked out with a thumps up. “You can trust me, Mae!“ He responded.

Wai slammed his door open and poked his tongue at his brother before attending his parents. “Mae, Por! Do not worry! I will take care of your old son,” He said, clearing referring to Fuse.

Fuse was infuriated but because of his parents, he let it pass. After all, as the eldest, he is bound to forgive and forget as well as become everyone's first choice.

'How slaying I am~' Fuse thought proudly. He was so engrossed that he didn't notice his parents leaving.

He only broke out of his thoughts when Wai slapped his cheek, pretending there was a mosquitoe there.

Fuse took out one of his slipper and started running behind Wai. “You bitch! Last mistake of my parents!“ He yelled.

Wai happily ran away from his brother with pride of his work.


Dawn left Korn at the house and went back to work again. Korn was feeling very tired at his father's office because of meeting too many people in one day.

When he stepped in the house, it felt almost like stepping in a coffin. Since his father wasn't here with him, his house didn't feel like home.

Korn dragged his feet to his room. He passed through his brother's room which didn't emit a single sound of a living-being.

He opened the door of his brother's room as quietly as possible. He felt the need to check up on Aou. He was curious and worried.

Korn found Aou sitting on his desk with papers surrounding him. He was so engrossed with his paper works that he didn't even notice his brother.

Korn closed the door without causing any disturbance. He felt relief that his brother was still here.

After that small checking up, Korn went directly to his room. He took out his phone and video called his boyfriend. He wanted to see Wai.

“Hi, why do you look so tired?“ Wai asked worryingly. The first thing he saw after answering the call was Korn's sleepy eyes.

Korn chuckled. “Don't worry, I just met a lot of people and held a ton of talks today. That's why I look like this,” He said.

Wai hummed. “Alright. What are you up to?“ He asked. He was missing Korn a lot.

“Nothing much. I just reached home. What about you?“ Korn asked back. Their conversations might not go for long hours or whatever, but it still held a huge importance for both of them.

“Mhn, I'm lying down. There's nothing to do at home. P'Fuse is talking to his girlfriend on the phone and mom, dad are outside at work,” Wai said.

Korn laughed. “We all wished for holidays but when it comes, we are all bored, isn't it?“ He said.

Wai nodded, laughing as well. “Well then if we have nothing to do, we might as well take a nap. You look like you clearly need one,” He said.

Korn pouted. “But I want to spend time with you,” He said looking at the screen of his phone.

“When you wake up, you'll find me still on the call. I promise,” Wai said. He was worried about his boyfriend's health and he was sure that Korn would not take a nap after they hung up so he just made Korn sleeping on the call.

Korn let out a small yawn. “Fine then, only for you,” He said.

He laid down on his bed, making his phone lean on the other pillow so he can look at Wai. On the other hand, Wai also did the same thing.

“You better be here…” Korn said, slowly drifting off to sleep.


Wai smiled fondly as he looked at Korn sleeping. Ah, he really loves that boy so much…! He decided to put his phone speaker on mute since he lives with a loud brother.

And just as he expected, Fuse barged in the room. “Wai, I need a favour from you—Oh, are you on a call?“ He abruptly stopped.

Wai tried to cover his phone but before he could do that, Fuse snatched it from him. He looked at Korn with raised eyebrows and then looked at Wai with a knowing look.

“Who is this cute dude? He is just my type, especially with those cute thick eyebrows,” Fuse asked, sitting on Wai's bed fully interested on the tea.

Wai took his phone back from his brother's hand and glared at him. “You do not need to know. Why are you even asking that? You have a girlfriend,“ He said.

Fuse let out a loud groan. He threw his body down on the bed, his head mercilessly landing on Wai's stomach.

“She broke up with me,” He said, looking blankly at the ceiling, “That's why she called me today.“

Initially, Wai was going to kick his brother out of the bed and his room but he felt bad now. “Oh well—um, what did you do?“ He asked.

Fuse looked at his brother unamused. “You are of a different breed, I swear. When you broke up with Heli, I comforted you now return me that favour by buying me some KFC and beers,” He said.

Wai would definitely do that if he didn't know his brother better. “Just a few moments ago, you were trying to hit on my boyfriend and now suddenly, you're heartbroken? Get lost, Phi and call your friends instead of me,” He said.

Fuse sat down harshly and turned his head so fast at Wai that he swore to hear some bones cracking.

“That cute dude is your boyfriend? You're gay? Why am I only knowing this now?“ He started bombarding Wai with questions over questions.

Wai sighed. “That cute dude is my boyfriend, yes. I am not gay, just bisexual. I like both men and women. You are only knowing this now because you never answer my calls or even call me, okay?“ He answered all of the questions.


Wai looked at his phone, admiring his boyfriend. Korn was still sleeping. He felt bad that Korn still called him even though he felt tired.

“Does mom or dad know about this?“ Fuse asked seriously. It was enough of joking. He had to ask the serious questions now.

Wai slowly sat down and looked at Fuse, lost in his thoughts. He shook his head and said, “No. I haven't told them yet.“

Fuse placed his hand on Wai's shoulder as a form of consolation. “Do you wish to tell them about your boyfriend? Do you feel serious enough with him to do that?“ He asked.

Wai glanced at Korn and smiled thinly. “I don't know what the future holds for us but right now, he is the one who makes me feel better and happier each day. Mae and Por have a right to know about a man that matters so much to their son after all they did for me,” He said.

Fuse was stunned. Wai didn't answer his question but at the same time, he answered all the questions that a brother should know about.

“Keep being happy like this, na? This society is getting better but it is still hard. Don't let anyone say anything about your love, mhn?“ Fuse said. He was getting emotional for his brother. Back in his days, nobody came forward and show support for him. He knew that harsh feeling very well and he is not going to let his brother face that.

Wai looked at his brother in worry. “Phi, are you okay?“ He asked.

“Oh—yeah, yeah. Don't worry! I'm just thinking of dinner today. What do you think we'll have?“ Fuse asked.

Wai let out a sigh of disappointment. They were having such a heart-to-heart brother conversation but it had to get ruined.

“Phi, just get lost!”

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