Chapter 3 ~

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Chapter 3 ~ 


-Scarletts Pov-

No please no please I can't do this again. I picked up my pace as I walked towards my apartment. I can't let this happen again, The way he looked at me I swear he felt sparks too but it could have just been me. I mean I'm nothing but dirt on the ground.

I sighed and  remembered him from the bar he was talking shots like crazy the only reason we could have looked at me like that was because he was drunk and thought I was his girlfriend or something like that. 

 But I still couldn't stop thinking about him, This green eyes staring into mine, His messy curls that was pushed back by a grey beanie, his black jacket that was buttoned so you could see his white v-neck shirt under it, dark washed jeans and brown boots that just stopped at his ankels. And the tattoos he had were what made him think about him even more. I sighed come on Scarlett stop thinking about him! Your gonna get hurt again. 

I knew I couldn't love anyone since what happened. Not again, because in the very end I know I would get hurt again. Dylan was someone I cared for and loved for all my heart. But he just using me. I frowned at the very thought of what happened.



"DYLAN DYLAN NO PLEASE DYLAN" I screamed across the room tears streaming down my face "Please don't leave" I said my knees feeling weak under me I felt my cheat tightening "Scarlett it's over.. I-I DON'T MAKE THIS HARDER THEN IT ALREADY IS !" Dylan yelled right into my face anger in his eyes. " Scarlett! JUST SHUT UP ! OKAY I NEVER FUCKING LOVED YOU ! AND NEVER WILL. YOU'RE JUST A BET I DID WITH THE GUYS SO SEE HOW LONG I COULD LAST WITH SOMEONE UGLY LIKE YOU! SO JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP !" He threw a punch into a wall and looked at me with rage, and that's when I lost it.

I dropped down onto the ground sobbing uncontrollably into my hands, "YOU WHY-Y No n-o your lying to me, please please tell me your lying to me " I looked up my vision has gone really blurry and I could see was my tears. "Scarlett I think you should just leave "Dylan walked towards his front door grabbing the handle and opening it for me too leave. "It's better this way"  I slowly got up my vision still blurry my knees still felt weak I probably looked horrible but I always look like that right? I slowly walked towards the door, When I was at the door I looked right at Dylan his head was down staring at his shoes looking anywhere but me.He finally looked up and just shook his head at me. That's when I slapped him, right across his face.

 His face was no redder then ever and before I could run outside I felt pain in my cheek and I found myself on the ground, Dylan had hit me. I touched my cheek slowly and pain went through my body. I got up and then kicked Dylan right in lower reign, Dylan stared at me, when he suddenly punched me right in the nose. I was on the ground again tears filling my eyes as my nose began too bleed all over the ground. I was just about to get up when I hear foot steps going towards me I quickly looked up but it was to late. Dylan had kicked me right in the stomach, then again and again in the same spot. 

I was crying more then ever the pain hurt more then anything i've felt before, it was getting hard for me to breathe. Then I felt something grab my hair and I came in connect with Dylan's face he was smiling at me then he punched me again right in the face. Before I could do anything I was being dragged out of the house and onto his porch. The cold air hit me in the face I felt like I could breath again then I felt something pull on my hair again, Dylan kicked me down his porch stairs and I felt rain all over my body, I couldn't more anymore all I felt was pain.

Dylan came towards me and looked me into the eyes before I could do or say anything he was saying something too me I couldn't figure out the words but I clearly made out the last words he said too me before one last slap in the face, He walked back into his house and slammed the door. 

"Useless bitch" He spat out making them sound as if someone had stabbed me a million times in the heart. Those were the last words he said too me before I blacked out.


I found myself in front of my apartment building, the door opened and thanked the door men and made my way toward the elevator. I pushed the number fourteen and the elevator slowly went up. I stepped out of the elevator and took the room key out of my pocket I opened the door stepping in and feeling the cold air wash over my face.

Placing my things on the ground next to the door and hanging up my jacket I walked over to the window and closed it wondering how it got open in the very first place. I yawned feeling very tired since I had walked into my apparent building.

I picked up my ipod off the bed stand I connected it too the stereo and put on On Top The World by Imagine Dragons. I changed into a white tank up and red polka dot shorts and jumped onto my bed.

I pulled the covers over my body but couldn't find myself going to sleep. It felt like I was forgetting something but I knew It must have been nothing I slowly started to forget I even forgotten anything and drifted off to sleep thinking about the perfect stranger leaning against the lamppost.

[ I updated <3 Hope you guys liked it ! Meanwhile Fan, Comment, Vote <3 ]

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