Chapter 13 ~

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Chapter 13 ~

- Scarletts POV-

"What..? W-what? How do you ? What did you ask?  I mumbled trying to grasp what he had just asked me.
"I asked how Aaron was?" He said saying it in a question
"How do you know my father?!"I asked again in a panicked tone that echoed around in the air
"I JUST ASKED A QUESTION ANSWER IT!" Harry screamed in my face his hot breath washing over my face.

I didn't answer, I broke down. Falling to my knees as the the cold snow made me feel dead inside. I sobbed into my hands thinking about my mother and father again. My hot tears mixed in with the cold air and made them stick to my face. I felt a hand on my back but I didn't say anything about it, I wanted to go home. I don't care about Harry hes an insensitive jerk with no emotion but anger.

"I w-wanna go h-home" I said quietly trying to get my breathing some what back to normal. I slowly looked up back to Harry and saw him frowning is eyebrows and biting his lip thinking intensely about something. He nodded his head and stood up holding his out for me to grab. I kept my face emotionless and pulled myself up and walk towards the pathway without waiting for Harry.

When I got to the car Harry was just at my heels and ran before me and opened my door. I looked up at Harry confused why he did that after five minutes ago he was making me want to cry my heart out. Seems like he read my mine because his answer was "Don't want you slipping again now do we?" He smirked watching my face for some kind of emotion to show. I didn't do anything, but stand there and let any other tear slip from the corner of my left eye.

His smirk slowly fell as he watch the tear roll down my cheek. He clenched his jaw and stomped over to me, I got scared so I slowly walked backwards but my back hit a car making me feel very scared. Somehow I had a feeling Harry would hurt me right now, but he didn't something that made me very surprised. He slowly brought his hand up and whipped my tears away with his thumb. I stood there staring at him in shock while he bit his lip staring at my lips again.

And then I did something that I even I was shocked at. I kissed him. Leaning forward I slowly brought my lips to his as our lips molded perfectly together. Harry seemed shocked at well because he didn't react at first but seemed to have gotten the hint. I fluttered my eyes closed and wrapped my arms around his neck as he did with his arms wrapping them around my waist.

Our lips moved in sync as the kiss was full of many emotions that were running through out both of our body's. I sighed into the kiss and we pulled away from each other out of breath and panting. He leaned his forehead against mine and smiled. Not a smirk, nor grin. He smiled, with a full display of dimples that made me smile back even my own dimples had gown out to show.

We stood there for awhile just enjoying each other presence. When we heard a honk that made us turn our heads in the direction of where the noise was but our eyes stayed on each other. He made me feel warm and fuzzy as weird as that sounds it was kinda true. Maybe this wasn't a super bad idea.

Then I thought back again about what he said about my father and my smile slowly faded away. Harry must of noticed to because his faded to and he seemed angry again.

"Stop doing that" He said in anger
"Doing what?"
"Looking all sad"
"Well i'm sorry I can't control my emotions" I stated quietly looking down at my feet

I thought Harry would have done something cheesy and lift up my chin and say something like "love, don't cry" or something in the romantic books you would read about. I felt him removed his arms around from my waist and grab onto both my hands. I slowly picked up my head and looked him in eyes and was shocked at what I saw.

His eyes, they weren't dark with angry. They were filled with nothing. It was if I was staring into a dark hole with no ending. I let out a shaky breath, and knew it must of been me who made him this way. I was about to say that I didn't mean to be this way, that I was really happy to be with him on this date but he beat me to it. "I'll take you home alright?" He asked waiting for my answer.

I nodded and he started letting go of one of my hands and finally making our way to his Range Rover. Opening my door ,he held my hand to make sure I wouldn't fall again and let me go in smoothly. He shut my door and jogged over to the other side sliding into his seat.

The car ride was again full of silence nothing could be heard but the music that played on the radio and the sound of our breathing.

I hadn't noticed we arrived until Harry put his hand on my knee and took me out of my trance. I turned to him and smiled saying a small thank you for the date. Just as I was about to get out Harry said something that made my breathing stop and my heart race. "say that again?" I turned to look at him but he was already facing me.

He smirked at me "I said that you looked stunning tonight" The compliment was followed by a wink that made a small blush crept up to my cheeks. I said another thank you and leaned over and kissed his cheek. I stayed there for awhile and slowly pulled away and let out a grin at his reaction.

He looked completely shocked and confused at why I did that since I was frowning and crying ten minutes ago. I said my good bye and gave him my number and left the car stil leaving him in his state.

I walked up the staircase and lead to my floor and saw my door was open. I knew for a fact that I had shut my door. My eyes grew wide and I ran down the hall feeling fear take over my body. I burst threw my door and saw

A little red note laying on the middle of my couch.

[ Hope you guys liked this chapter ! I had to re-write it since it was deleted but it's all fine now! Until then please Comment, Vote and Fan <3 ]

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